Very happy with mine. Lifetime MPG is around 49.8 with 26k miles and with the warmer weather arriving, I expect to bring it back over 50 this summer. Jimbo, the only downside of owning a Prius is forgetting where the nearest gas station is.
Very happy with it, after just 1 week! Put about 200 miles on it, but will put more miles into it once I get to drive it (My wife has it for another week). I'm very happy with it, but my poor dear wife is still heartsick that we could not get CT200h this time around... (Lexus dealers are such a--holes and liars!)... Promised her we'll replace 2003 Camry with CT200h next time... at that point, this Prius will be MINE!!! *evil grin*
I can relate to your post since we just tried to trade our (my wife) Lexus RX330 for a CT200H Premium with nothing extra. The MSRP of $31,175 plus a side sticker that got it up to 32,620; plus other meainingless markups to bring it to 33,070. Then they had the nerve to offer us low trade in value. Need to say we left. We decided to take a look at the Prius since there were still a few available right before the earthquake in Japan. Long story short we got a good deal on Prius IV with solar roof. That was a little over three weeks ago and my wife and I are still arguing who gets to drive the Prius next. We may have to trade in our (my) car for Prius since no one wants to drive any more. Just though I would share this since we are happy with the Prius so far. Carl
I'd have to wonder if the "95" you read wasn't some sort of mistake, such as twice applying the difference between the "research" and "motor" octane methods. Irrespective of octane, I seem to get slightly higher MPG when I'm running fuel that allows the ICE to shut off smoothly, rather than shutter a bit each time it turns off. Not sure what goodness or badness causes that. Do post your results, if you try. Humm. That ever so light shutter I sometimes notice might not be irrespective of the octane, since it's reminiscent of the "dieseling" some very old cars did, where the engine would continue running a few extra revolutions after the ignition was switched off. (The true octane might be substantially different from what's posted no the pump, making it difficult to find the true sweet spot for the engine's design.) Low octane fuel was a factor there, but with fuel injection, even without an "anti-dieseling solenoid" to absolutely close the throttle plates, I don't think that's what's going on...?
A PS to an earlier post: This week I drove down to the southern part of the state; all interstate; warmer weather; 900 miles RT, steady 73 (indicated) miles/hour. The calculated fuel efficiency was 54.7 mpg. Am I "happy I bought a Prius?" ..... you bet your sweet HSI I am.
My only regret with getting the Prius is that I didn't get it a year ago when I purchased the Honda Insight. The more I drove the Insight the more I HATED it! Now that I have my Prius. I am a happy camper and enjoying a much better built car.
I really enjoy my Prius. I bought it, a Blue 2010 Prius IV with solar roof in late December. I've slowly inched my way up to getting around 50 MPG on the meter (haven't bothered to calculate actual, but am assuming it's about 2 MPG less than the meter). I have way too much stop and go traffic to see much better in this Chicago winter weather, but I've noticed the gradual increase in MPG as the warmer weather has started to move back in. The first month I owned the Prius the thermometer on the car read 26 degrees every day, so you can imagine how that hurt with the MPG, but now we're in the mid to upper 30s, sometimes low 40s and it's already showing improvement! I'm very happy with the Prius!
Why did you hate the Insight? It was on my short list, but i bought the Prius before i could test drive one.
+1 In fact, I am thinking of keeping my current Prius for my other half once the lease expired and get an Insight because it has a much better NAV system and cheaper to lease overall. Do tell why you are disappointed.
I'm probably not gained enough to try 91 on her, but had run a few tests with 95 vs 98 over a 30-week period (15-week for each type of fuel). The result is posted in this thread ( In short, not much difference in FE at all. I have been sticking with 95 ever once and enjoying 4.2 to 4.3 l/100km FE over our extremely wet summer period.
My Prius now has the status of a family pet, I love it that much. My dogs name is "Grady" (looks just like Grady on Sanford and Son), so I named my Prius, "Fred G. Sanford" (the "G" stands for "Gas Saving"). To give you an example of what I mean: Grady needs food/Fred needs gasoline = They get it! Grady needs water/Fred needs oil change = They get it! Grady needs a bath/Fred needs a detail = They get it! For health reasons, I take Grady to the veterinarian to get a checkup, and take Fred to the Dealership to get PM'd. ......see what I mean?
I, too, am curious about the Insight hatred. My other car is an Insight, and I'm quite happy with it. I commute with the Insight, our Prius is my wife's car, and the car we use when we go together. The Insight is substantially cheaper, and we've seen less than 5mpg difference in the mileage. The Prius is the superior car in most every way, but the lower cost of the Insight should appeal to many, and IMO is a very reasonable choice.
More than happy with my 2010 Prius V it's Better than I ever expected! Really didn't buy for the gas mileage, Just thought would be a cool car! 50 MPG is nice! It's one of my favorites.
My wife and I are both satisfy with the quality and style of our Prius. She will start driving it to work tomorrow after putting 9300 miles in the last 12 months. We will be able to save 50% on gas by swapping with her RAV4. My father in-law doesn't like the Prius. He said the engine only made alot of noise and not going anywhere. But I don't get a fxck of what he said and I have no intention to explain to him. He won't understand anyway.
Yes. Absolutely Yes! Although I wish Toyota would address a few things before the 2020 model. - Shorter chin, and/or slightly higher ground clearance. 2010 model hits way to often pulling into driveways, and occasionally scrapes on the tire stops in parking lots. - Hook up a light sensor for the interior instruments. Can't read speedometer at dusk when I turn lights on. - Toss the stereo and start over. The lag in picking songs on iPad is horrible, and if you pause for more than a couple of seconds while paging down, it changes the song. - Slightly higher door sills so I don't have to pull away from the curb to let people in/out. - reduce slightly the extreme nature of the cab forward design so we can see a bit of the hood. While I love the slippery shape, and the way it helps the millage, not being able to the see the front of the car through the windshield reduces the drivability in-town and in tight spaces. I bought the Prius as a vote for the technology, and have been extremely happy with the results so far. Last two tanks have averaged about 6 weeks each, which makes up for the 5 tanks in November and 5 in December.
I'm happy How could I not be saving about 40% at the pump (not as good as a lot here manage) with gas about $7.50 a gallon. It is also the roomiest car I owned - owning compacts and subcompacts till now. Add to all that the "realitively" reasonable price - (lower taxes) and so far (after 15 months) I am very satisfied.
I'll let this link answer that for me: Gas Price Historical Price Charts - We've saved about $2k in gas in the year that we've owned this.
Yes, yes, yes! After doing a lot of research on everything out there, my main criteria being "cheap on gas", almost 2 years ago we bought a 2005 Prius with 80k miles on it. My first car was an old Corolla, it was probably between 5-8 years old when I got it, and had been totaled twice and rebuilt before I got it for my 16th birthday. Once I left home, my dad got it and drove it another 13 years after that before he finally totaled it in the ice and snow and decided it was time to give it up. I totally trust Toyota and their longevity and had no issues buying one with 80k miles. My hubby was of another mind, but I won. Besides, it was Seaside Pearl. We drove the Prius daily, if I didn't have it, my husband was taking it to work instead of the gas-guzzling Tundra. We put another 36k miles on it in the not-quite 2 years we had it. Never a minute's trouble. Not one. Oil changes as needed, and we put new tires on it in November. I suspect there is a LOT of life left still in it, but traded in it last week for a 2011 Prius, simply because it would drop our interest rate from 12.3 to 2.9%. Not because it was old, or had a lot of miles, or I didn't want it. I don't regret for a second buying the first one, or this one. I do sort of regret that I traded in the '05 instead of being rich and being able to afford the double Prius payment and giving it to my kids or mom. I worry about what the dealer will do with it, as silly as that sounds! It's not ready to be scrap metal!
Don't worry. They'll sell it for far more than your trade and somebody else will be a very happy owner.