I just got a used 2008 prius - I think it may be a touring model, but I don't know how to verify that. My main question is , on my '05 there was a trick to access the maintenance mode >Display>speaker>left top>left bottom>left top>left bottom. I think the main reason for this access was to allow someone to look at and change things on the map while the car was in motion, but it provided access to a lot of other things. Is there anything like this for the 2008? and what is a touring model anyway? Thanks, Tony
Try this link: http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/73400-weird-stuff-happening-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html
Thanks, I will try those tests. Still wondering if I have a TRN - TRG? model. A neighbor said his parents got a touring (turing?) model and they are happy wth it. I am having trouble getting over 44 mpg so far (after limited attempts). Tony
The Touring has 16" wheels, a larger spoiler, & a different suspension. All Touring have HID headlights but not all with HID are Touring.