I'd like to change my own Oil and Transaxle fluid. Perhaps more? I'm pretty handy with things I know how to do "electronics", but I've honestly never really done anything to a Car other than change air filters. So things I think I could do from watching the "how to" videos would be: Change Spark plugs, pcv valves, belts (perhaps), oil, transaxle fluid, etc. What tools should I go buy? I literally only have a screwdriver. Thanks!
hydraulic jack socket wrench torque wrench allen wrenches screwdrivers clip removal tools a light and a new tool box!
A breaker bar would be handy to remove the PCV valve after 100,000 miles. I would just go buy a nice 100 or 200 piece tool kit from Lowes, Home Depot, Costco, or Harbor Freight if you have these stores in you r area.
That would be a great start. I would add Sears to the above list and delete Costco and Harbor Freight on the basis that those tools are too cheap. The tool kit should be metric of course (not SAE.) Regarding the transaxle ATF service, the OP will need a 24 mm socket and a 10 mm hex key socket which may not be included in a combo tool kit. Then add a decent hydraulic floor jack (3-ton capacity) and either two or four jackstands depending upon whether the OP will do something that requires keeping the car level when raised up. Also, add 1/2" and 3/8" click-type torque wrenches if not included in the combo tool kit.
Buy yourself a small set of metric 3/8" sockets, you will probably only use 3 of them during the time you work on the Prius. If you think that you will need more torgue to get something off, then get the 1/2" breaker bar plus the 3/8"--1/2" adapter to fit your 3/8" sockets. Get a set of metric wrenches, open end & box end, set of good screwdrivers & slip joint pliers. I'm not aware if your Prius has the same oil cartridge as the 2010's if it does then your going to need the oil cartridge tool to remove it. It can be purchased at any auto parts store. For getting under the car......do not crawl under a car that's on a jack. I would look for small ramps to run up onto. If you find that you hit the ramp, you can use lumber pieces to gradually build up, before the ramp. this should raise the car enough that your valance won't hit the ramp, as your going up on it. With all your new tools,,,,,,,don't get in over your head......keep it simple until your 100% comfortable working on your car.
For spark plugs: the socket (is it 3/8ths ?) and a magnetized pointer. For fluid changes: a couple of cheap funnels; and about 3 feet of tubing that will fit one of your funnels snugly to put ATF back in. An oil filter gripper or socket A container to collect old oil. I bought a ready made one from an auto store. A flashlight to find the stuff you drop in dark places Oh, definitely buy the bentley's Prius manual.
Just can't seem to find these tools in 100% certainty, anyone that'd like to post links of said tools would be muchly appreciated.