Hey all, Just picked up my Prius II today after an exhaustive search. After reading through PriusChat forums for a while, I decided to get a II with ZERO options. No Toyoguard, no factory mats (but it still came with them, didn't understand that), no nothing. After seeing the possibilities of DIY and aftermarket upgrades, it made me realize I could probably equip my Prius more to my liking (and at less cost) than if I ordered a car with factory options. It's a Classic Silver with misty gray interior. MSRP: $23,835 with manufacturer's delivery charge. Got it at the end of the month to get a little wiggle room on the price but it wasn't much. If it wasn't raining all day I'd post some pics, but hopefully I'll do that soon. Also thanks to the community, I was able to get the reverse beep addressed before they delivered the car (I actually kept the seat belt warning as my wife would never put it on without the constant buzzing). Looking forward to posting with experiences and upgrades along the way! Thanks again for the help!
Welcome! I have a silver one, too. We're twins! Where abouts are you in central Florida? I'm in Ocala.
Hey, Moopz, congrats on your new Prius. It's a great value in ride, comfort, cargo and fuel savings. Did I mention fuel savings...enjoy the high MPGs, technology and low-emissions. Oh, I forgot, it's fun to drive, too.
I'm in a suburb of Orlando. The car is exactly what I had hoped for! The list of mods begins with a reverse camera and headunit changeout! I'm still waiting to see how the people who got the Flyaudio unit like it over time, as I want to keep the look of the dash as stock as possible. But that will have to wait until I've gotten the extended warranty through PriusChat. Luckily I had seen that thread before I went to pick up the car, because my wife seemed really keen on it when we were at the dealership. But with a PC discount of $800, it's a no-brainer.
Congrats Moopz. I think you'll almost enjoy sitting in the notorious Orlando traffic, with the engine stopped and not contributing to air pollution and global warming. BTW, I'm doing my best to keep your local economy going strong. We go to Disney World at least once each year - can't get enough of it. :thumb:
Thanks! Funny you should mention that, as I was JUST sitting in traffic and actually enjoying it only because of that fact! I am very thankful for Walt Disney and his vision, because Orlando would be so much less without both. You go to the malls over here and 50% are tourists from outside the country!
It looks nice in Classic Silver. Thats the color of my wife's Prius. Mine is Barcelone red. Good luck and enjoy the many miles of Hybrid motoring. :welcome:
Congrats! Just curious, what's sitting next to it in your garage? Looks sweet! I grew up in Pine Castle, my folks still live there, so we visit frequently!
It's actually an older Ferrari. Exotic car prices have declined as fast as home prices these days, and I've saved from the first day I worked to achieve that dream. The redhead is my indulgence on the weekend, while the Prius is my every day delight.
Older in the sense it's the previous generation of the base Ferrari model. Not the latest and greatest. It's a 2005 F430 Spider. Couple of full size pics and a corresponding shot of the Prius at the same angle...
The Rosen does look nice as well! How do you like it? The only thing I heard is that you can't add satellite radio to it.