Of course, I just bought a 2009 Prius with 52k miles on it. We got the following: The car. Traded in and paid off the $5900 we owed on our Malibu Maxx 05. Sales Tax. 125,000 mile warranty. License, Title, Registration fees. Lifetime car washes (dealership freebie) All rolled in for $22k, which my husband assured me was a good deal. I'm loving this car but I'm getting a LOT of flack. Now, I did an enormous amount of research prior to choosing a Prius... two weeks of daily reading of the yearly change manuals between the generations, these forums, articles, research articles, consumer reports etc..and now that I have actually purchased the car I'm getting a LOT of grief for supposedly purchasing a "high mileage vehicle" for such a "high price". I researched what the other 09's with similar miles were selling for within 100 miles even called dealerships and asked what their most recent 09's sold for and it was all VERY close to what I paid for mine. Is it that serious?? High mileage??? They keep saying "By the time your 60month loan is up, you will be upside down on the loan because the car will be worth nothing on trade in and it may not even make it 60 months if you put 32k miles on your Malibu in the FIRST year?? What were you thinking?". Annoyed. :O/
Good deal? It depends. When was it produced - August 2008 or July 2009, that's a big difference alone. What is the date on the driver's door jamb? Maintenance is key. Did the previous owner change the oil and filter at the proper intervals. Was the car garage kept. Was there any evidence that the car had been in an accident? Finally, the "high" miles. Properly maintained, today's cars can easily last to 300K miles. It wouldn't scare me to buy one like you did provided you plan on keeping the car for a long long time. If not, you will not recoup what you paid since mileage does greatly reduce resale value beyond 100K miles. You made a good decision, though.
High mileage on a relatively young car doesn't bother me. It means a lot of highway driving and that's much easier on a car than short mileage stop and go. I can't comment on the price since I don't know what used Prius are worth, but if you're happy with the buy screw all the naysayers.
The difference between a high trim and low trim Prius from 2009 is about $6000. You have to know what package Prius you have to come to any sort of conclusion. The way to approach your question is to backtrack all the costs out of the 22k except for the Prius. So ... $22,000 - (5900 + tax + TTL + Warranty) Tax is about $1000 Warranty for the mileage remaining is about $800 assuming this is Toyota branded. Title & License ? $100 Total is $1900 + $5900 = $7800 so the car was sold for about $14,200. If you did not accept a bad interest rate to finance the car I say this is a fair deal on a low trim car, and a great deal on a more expensive trim if the car is in good shape without prior accident, not salvaged, and not a prior rental. The friends talking about upside-down stuff are clueless. Whatever is true is this regard for the Prius is multiples times worse with the Chevy. You might find this website useful for future reference to calculate sales tax. If you did accept a high interest rate but have a good credit rating, check out penfed.org credit union. It mostly serves the military but anyone can join with a $15 donation. Incidentally, my 2004 Prius is approaching 125,000 miles. No repairs, a total of ~ $600 not including tyres spent on pretty careful maintenance through 6.5 years. I posted details in another thread if you are interested. I want the car to last 20 - 25 years and reach 500,000 miles. If you are trying to not waste money on the car spend some time in this forum learning how to perform the simple maintenance yourself (or have your hubby do the work.) The car is very advanced, but the maintenance is surprisingly easy.
who are 'these people'? know nothings i say. you got a great deal on a great car. enjoy driving it, learning about it and watching your mpg's. malibu maxx indeed! you are part of the solution now.:welcome:
I got a package 2, back up camera - i think. It is carfax 1 owner, no accidents, toyota certified car. Due to our credit, we could only get a 5.49 since our credit is in the mid 650's from BAD credit 6-7 years ago, regardless of the fact that we have credit cards and mortgages and other car loans that have NEVER been late or missed a payment etc, the bad credit from years ago takes years to recover from.. 5.49% from Toyota was the best offer. the 125k mile warranty is 100% coverage bumper to bumper, anything at all goes out on the car, its covered, period.
And also, these people are mostly my family. Lots of my friends are closer to my age and more environmentally conscious than the generation over our heads and trying to be green so they were supportive... and in my case, honestly, I'm concerned about our dependency on foreign oil and how much its costing my family to keep a non-hybrid.. One of them was my uncle who never ever posts on facebook, while everyone else was congratulating us and 'liking' the pictures posts of the new car etc, he is posting multiple videos about the BMW guys who did a youtube vid about how Prius are the dirtiest cars on the planet, even more so than the m3 and the hummer...etc etc and that they aren't worth their market sale price etc.. It really got me upset..
Yeah, I would say they don't know what they're talking about, don't worry. My dad was concerned even with my 34k miles at purchase. I think it's easy for some (I said "some", down PriusChat attack dogs! :-D) in an older generation to constantly associate 100k miles with the end of a car's life from the days when it could've been true for them. This train of thought is a relic. Kudos to you for thinking about foreign oil dependency, you're doing a good thing.
I believe those videos were probably from Top Gear UK (Jeremy Clarkson). Don't worry, Clarkson's completely full of it. He's a big Prius hater and completely misrepresents the car. Unfortunately, there's a lot of propaganda aimed at the Prius. I guess that's what happens when you're on top.
Get a refund on the warranty. In an 09, you have a car where all of the bugs have been worked out. Major component failure is extremely unlikely. 2 fas 4 u is at 335,000 miles and counting in his 09 (see the 299,999 mile club thread). Change your transaxle fluid now, and every 60,000 miles thereafter.
Not necessarily true. No shame in having the warranty. AStuke you bought a great car, and you've come to the right place. Hang around here. Read a lot. You'll rise fast and be able to beat the naysayers with the powers we teach you.
Point of sale extended warranties are among the most overpriced consumer products out there. What sounds like a better value, "extended warranty" or "mechanical breakdown insurance"? They are exactly the same thing! If you need an extended warranty, shop around just like you would for an insurance policy, because the dealer is guaranteed to be 2-3 times more than what you can find elsewhere. No shame in buying an extended warranty, but it is possible to save hundreds of dollars with a little legwork. IMHO, there is no need for an extended warranty on any year of Gen II, most especially the 09. 09 has the redesigned engine water pump, making the car very robust.
Thank you everyone. The warranty is worth my peace of mind. I don't have a lot sitting around in the savings as there is a lot tied up in household projects and in both mine and my husbands degree expenses AND two kids in daycare - this particular warranty covers literally, everything that happens minus auto accidents. If a component breaks off in the car, if I spill soda into something and it shorts out or if the power locks stop etc... I think the warranty was worth knowing that ANYTHING wrong including the battery and hybrid system - its covered. All of that being said, its hard for me to break out of the mentality that this car is not reaching its end of life at 150k miles since I've only ever owned American cars and none of them have made it past 150k without either total mechanical failure somewhere and/or a MAJOR high dollar repair. 98 Cavalier: 70k miles alternator went out, 65k miles water pump went out, 81k miles starter went out and did something to the battery and acid leaked everywhere. 110k miles needed completely new brake system in front and back (drums). 101k miles needed new cooling mechanisms. 92 Ford Taurus: 115k transmission went out, 90k power steering pump and a mechanism in the cooling system went out simultaneously within days of each other. 93 Ford Taurus: 112k transmission went out, 108k cooling system pumps went haywire and were spraying coolant everywhere, etc. 94k power steering went out. You get the picture. We traded in our 05' malibu maxx ls which had 133k worry-free miles on it but I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop....and now, for the first time ever, I own a foreign car and not a domestic and I'm having a hard time shaking it. I need like hypnotherapy. LOL
Also, when I looked inside the door like somebody recommended, it says NEITHER August 2008 or July 2009. It says 10/08 at the top of the sticker inside the door?
The 125K mile warranty is probably a third-party or dealership warranty, not one offered by Toyota. I suggest you determine exactly who is standing behind that warranty. There is a point to the criticism expressed about taking a 5-year loan on a car that already has 52K miles on it. The message behind the criticism is that you spent too much for the car if you must finance it over five years. It is reasonable to question whether the car will last for that duration (200K miles total) without needing an expensive repair, given your driving 30K+ miles per year. The criticism is not necessarily directed to your choice of a Prius, except that particular vehicle happens to have a greater upfront cost compared to some other possible choices. Although the probability of Prius needing an expensive hybrid system repair post-warranty is not high; if it happens to you and you must depend upon dealer service, you will be looking at a large four-digit repair bill. I recommend that you study the warranty language very carefully. I seriously question whether it would cover incidents resulting from driver error or abuse. I also would question whether the hybrid-unique vehicle components such as inverter, hybrid battery, hybrid system ECU, and traction battery ECU are covered. In retrospect it may have been better for you to have kept the Malibu for another year or two if it had been providing reliable service to you. That means your car was built in October 2008, so it was among the earlier 2009 vehicles.
The warranty is everything that I said, including the hybrid system and battery. Any part of the car whatsoever. It is a dealership warranty. That being said, had we kept the Malibu at 133k miles for the remaining THREE years on the loan, we would have been in a much worse position as I don't know many GM vehicles in my life that have gone beyond 150k... I felt. /shrug At the moment there is a double-warranty on the car. The Toyota certified warranty is covering until 60k miles, meaning 8k more miles. And the dealership warranty is 125k miles.
We drive a round trip total between to work, from work, kid #2 day care and kid #1 school about 38miles a day. That's a guaranteed minimum of 10k miles/ year. Assuming we do no other driving, granted we do have a second car. Also, we were spending $300+ /mo in gas on our Malibu.
Note that the Toyota manufacturer's warranty will cover specific hybrid system components to 8 years / 100K miles. A few Qs for you to consider: - Does the dealership warranty require you to pay a copayment each time you file a claim under that warranty? - If your car should fail when you are out-of-town, will repairs be covered under the dealership warranty if performed by another Toyota dealership or some other third party? - If the dealership should go out of business (which is not unheard of, with regards to GM/Chrysler dealerships recently) will your dealership warranty be honored elsewhere? OK, if your Malibu was running at ~25 mpg, then you should see a ~50% reduction in your monthly fuel bill. That certainly helps the cost of ownership evaluation.
Patrick, I will look into those specific questions on the warranty. This dealership is a very large dealership, they sell the most Toyota's in the county and they have been around for 20+ years. That being said its good to find out the information. The read out and the calculations (which we do on an app on our phone) based on the cost to fill, per gallon, and total miles from empty to full... we were averaging 23MPG's on my Malibu, 40 mile round trip per day and $200/mo payment, plus $300mo in gas.) not including insurance, etc. I told my husband I wanted to work hard to include a little extra money in our payments, when we have it, to pay down the car faster so that if something WERE to happen and we had no trade etc in the future, the loan would at least be paid off and we could start fresh and clean with a new loan and no negative equity on a new car later. Maybe a little ambitious but - I am trying to keep myself optimistic and not have buyers remorse. lol