Consider, also, that some people ride motorcycles for superior gas mileage. Prius' mpg is so high that it actually compares very favorably with a motorcycle, and provides safety, comfort, and a generally "no compromises" ride. I discovered the BugE, yesterday, and am quite intrigued.
I am new to this forum, and just wanted to say to all the fellow Prius owners. I agree with a lot of the posts regarding online Prius haters, but luckily out in the real world, most people I generally bump into out here in public, are generally pretty interested in our car, which is a great way to strike up conversations, with like minded people like us. In short, we are just better, than the online haters, and they hate that ,the most Gotta love, Freudian, Prius Robert Llewellyn mentions Prius haters, here and there, in his video below..... [ame=""]YouTube- bobbyllew's Channel[/ame]
I'm so there right now, my friends are not being very supportive. My passive aggressive uncle just posted a bunch of stuff on Facebook this morning, videos, about how Prius is more damaging to the environment than a BMW M3 by these British dudes of course.. It was very rude and it really hurt my feelings because I like to feel like I'm doing a good thing for the environment by driving a Prius...AND America's dependency on foreign oil.
I hate my Prius. I'm so glad I'm not forced to get behind it or look at its ugly shape all day long. I just ride along looking at my high tech interior with reasonable stereo and other creature comforts as well as play around with my plug in battery pack. If other drivers are offended, that's just too bad.
A good friend, with a bit of toungue in cheek, told me yesterday that he hates Prius drivers. I expected him to follow that with the usual about how they drive so slow, block traffic etc. Nope. His complaint was because they get 50mpg they speed & drive like maniacs!
For every person who "hates" Prius, there are probably 100 who love it. The haters have Prius envy--especially the women. The rest of the haters have an agenda to spread negative publicity in Prius chat groups.
Why is it always uncles that do that crap? What an nice person. Maybe you should link him to this thread so he can become better educated and realize the rubbish he is linking to is BS. If he chooses not to read it then you can accuse him of being closed-minded to facts. It's rather fun making family members like that look stupid in front of the rest of the family. RMI: Dust to Dust's Assumptions About the Prius and the Hummer
I've gotten all the jokes you can imagine from my brother-in-law. A few of my coworkers gave me some light hearted ribbing as well but after I start talking specs and feul savings they pretty much shut up. My hunch about why there's all this negative popular sentiment about the Prius is this: its garbage started by some right-wing a$$hole or group of a$$holes in an attempt to slanderize the car into unpopularity. For reasons I dont understand, Republicans (in my experience with them anyway) for some reason, seem to hate the "green movement" or anything having to do with it. Or in this case, products that can be assosciated with it. To me this proves the influence big oil really has on the GOP and its supporters. Its sad really that people would go around spouting ignorant things unknowingly acting as puppets, or worse,free advertising, for giant corporations that couldnt care less about them. Every educated, progressive, or intelligent person I've ever met and talked to about my owning a Prius has nothing but fascination or curiousity for the car. Not dismissive prejudice. Just saying.
Nah man. Trust me, in the Gay Area there are plenty of liberals who hate our cars. This aint a political thing.
Hmmm... spouting ignorant things... can't understand why Republicans hate the green movement .... some right-wing a$$hole We'll, I think I'll use your post to answer your own questions. Do a poll and question how many of your fellow Prius chat posters are in fact a-hole right wingers. You'll be surprised. Yet, you go off with such ignorant stereotyping it's actually comical that it is such a "meathead" caricature. So, that bigotry and hate starts OUR hatred of the green movement. (Really, it's all characterized as bleeding hypocrisy.) Then, what follows from the bigotry is an absolute rock solid self believe that you are right about everything because you want to save mother nature; you have the way and everybody opposed to you wants to kill off the earth thus are a-holes. Take global warming, for example, and your worship at the alter of AGW with the high priest algore leading the ceremonies. Next, you generally harbor the true belief that "you have yours and you don't want anybody else to have theirs." For example, the Sierra Club wants to make much of the western national parks off limits to humans, yet they want their own retreat homes in the parks just for themselves. They cry when they see others invading nature... as they stand there in nature admiring it. Then, what is really behind the whole green movement is totalitarianism. You want absolute control over everybody's lives, yet you will never bind yourself to those restrictions. Windmills are great, except in Martha s Vineyard, if you get my drift. There was no forex shop that the communist party aparachik weren't allowed into all the while the proles had to live like dogs. It's the age old story of tyranny. Then of course, you are often snookered and manipulated by the very corporations you say you hate and are opposed to. Do you think an oil company is hurt when gas gets to $5/gallon or do you think they profit wildly? Who's duped by whom? Those driving oil up in price or those who want to "drill, baby drill." When greenies are convinced to oppose nuclear, yet essentially force the construction of filth factories known as coal powered plants--who really benefits and who really suffers? And , your comment about GOP being influenced by big oil... why do you think Obama invaded Libya and not Ivory Coast, for example? Next you'll tell us Obama is a neo-con right winger. Sheesh... get a life. Lastly, the reason the Prius gets belittled is very simple and I would have to imagine that many Prius owners agree. The car is as butt ugly as it gets. It looks like a rounded little cockroach and is not generally aesthetically pleasing. However, inside and considering the engineering... it's one of the most marvelous contraptions man has created to date. And, it's the same sort of visceral response that one gets when they see a loud dualie with bull nads hanging from the trailer hitch hammering around you only to stop 50 feet down the road in the same traffic you are in. Tell me the truth, if you could have identical specifications as in a 3G Prius with the body style of say, a Subaru WRX, which body style would you buy?
The one which gets better mileage. Barring that the one that will cost me less to own. Show me a 100mpg gargoyle that can fit 2 adults comfortably in the back I'll go start myself. I really think that overall the impact of the beauty of a car's design is overstated. I mean, do people really think that the Civic, Corolla, Accord or Camry look good? Are people really buying CUVs, SUVs and pick-ups for their beauty? Perhaps it's my non-American view of cars, being used to hatchbacks, but I while the Prius look is distinctive, I don't see anything extraordinary about it. Read Coach's thread where friends and family suggested that it wasn't macho enough. That's about image as opposed to beauty and I think that's a far bigger factor.
Great discussion. Sorry to inject political sister and I had a heated argument (shes a tea partier) recently about some of this stuff. I do, actually, realize that no generalization is or can be 100% correct. I really enjoy the different perspectives from all sides. Good back and fourth is at least conversation and allows learning from both sides.
I'm going to do a speech this Monday at Toastmasters on the Prius, hybrids, and their batteries. Will be interesting to see the reaction. But, this is SF Bay Area, so maybe not much reaction.