Up until midway through the thread the OP had listed there location as Earth. Could not have know to refer Diane to them at first. Aloha, ED
I did, in post 14. Others mentioned it too. Yep, the OP's location was listed as "earth" for most of this thread. We learned they were in So Cal from post 13, but we had no idea where in So Cal. Could've been by the Mexican border, for all we knew...
Thanks guys. I did come in late on this thread and his location was listed as Southern California. Missed the recommendation to go to Dianne. It's too bad they didn't take the advice, they could have avoided a TON of headaches.
Good grief! What an ordeal to have to go to to by a car. Proves you really need to do some homework before you spend hard earned money to buy anything, especially a car. op2:
Jury's out on that one. But the multicomment , multiforum vendetta against one dealer coupled with the adoration for another is questionable.
Run, don't walk, away from that dealer. This is not Toyota's doing - they have enough problems. You are buying from a crooked dealer who is ripping you off. A car with out wheels? COME ON! This may be just the beginning of a rip off relationship with that dealer. If you are stuck with the deal, (or even if you can go to another, more honest dealership) I would notify Toyota Corporate immediately and let them know the nonsense that this dealer is pulling. You also need to verify that the dealer installed the TPMS sensors in the wheels - or is he going to charge extra for those as well? You may even wind up with a warranty issue from Toyota by using non-stock wheels, at least in so far as the wheels are concerned.. Good luck.
Actually you have 36 months or 36,00 miles - basically until the bumper to bumper warranty runs out - to buy the Toyota Platinum extended warranty - the only one I would suggest. Check here and elsewhere for the best price before you buy it from the dealer.
Why would you even want to deal with that thief. Also, if the color is not uniform, the back was probably refinished because it was hit. RUN AWAY!
OP's family already bought the car, from the non-shady dealer Hey all, The OP PMed me earlier and also posted at http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-...w-low-profile-tires-urgent-8.html#post1293865 that they bought a Prius already and it wasn't from the shady dealer w/the lies and wheel swaps. I think we can just let this thread die.