Feel free to talk about TOS or any of the spinoffs. List some of your the eps you felt were better, great or your favorites. Discuss. I'll start with a few I liked or loved: - The Best of Both Worlds (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki along w/part 2 - All Good Things... (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki - I actually liked Spock's Brain (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki of TOS, to some degree. - In a Mirror, Darkly (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki of Enterprise - This two parter was AWESOME if you were fan of TOS and Enterprise. It's actually being rerun on 3/29 on SyFy channel. As some people put it, "who put the ho in Hoshi?" - A Piece of the Action (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki and Patterns of Force (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki were both good and funny. - The Doomsday Machine (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki and Balance of Terror (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki of TOS were both very good. - Parallels (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki of TNG was good. - Relics (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki of TNG was definitely fan favorite.
My fav has to be The Devil in the Dark episode; [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_in_the_Dark]The Devil in the Dark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Had an affect on me when I first saw it when I was about 8 as it contains many morals.
I grew up with TOS and TNG: I caught a few episodes of Enterprise...got tired of its formula really quickly...and so gave up on it. One of my friends told me they got new writers and actually developed plots in season 4: so I did catch a few episodes (and wondered why they didn't have good writing at the begining: it was obvious they restructured way too late). I should sit down and watch all season 4 episodes of Enterprise. Anywho, some of my favs: [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow_Is_Yesterday]Tomorrow Is Yesterday - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] (first to have Star Trek crew travel back to contemporary time and then have some humor about it). [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Royale]The Royale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] I also liked reading Sherlock Holmes, so of course: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Elementary,_Dear_Data_(episode) I tend to gravitate towards time travel episodes:noidea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time's_Arrow_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation) Lastly, since I was a teenage boy when it premiered, I liked the gross out factor of this episode: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Conspiracy_(episode)
I like all of the alternate universe episodes, even Enterprise's tie in to TOS. The Ultimate Computer is a particular favorite. Here's to Captain Dunsel.
Hmm, I'll have to rewatch that one sometime. I remember "pain! pain!", "no kill I" and "I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!" Interesting... we have different tastes. IIRC, Time's Arrow was disappointing and I didn't think The Royale was that great. Conspiracy was ok. I recall the case they had for the "superior" lifeform was a commonly available plastic binder. It's a bit too bad that they never followed up on whether anything became of the signal that was sent out at the end. I was in high school when TNG was going on and it ended when I was in college. Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki was one that I liked. The doctor's fantasy emergency command hologram was funny. I found a clip below. Someone to Watch Over Me (Star Trek: Voyager) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia was also good. I liked when the doctor and Seven sang "You Are My Sunshine" together. Skip ahead to 1:25 of . Here's an ep that stood out, although not the best: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Darmok_(episode). "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra." "Shaka, when the walls fell." After watching it, the next day, my friend said to me "what the hell was that??!?!" Once I went into college and when web browsers were new, I found that someone had done a Darmok dictionary.
I dont think I have a favorite episode. More like favorite series. I like them in this order. TNG - I grew up watching this. Voyager - Because its like TNG. TOS - I just like it. DS9 - Did not like it too much since it was mostly based on a space station and mostly dealt with religion. Not that I have anything against religion but it just was not very interesting to me. Enterprise - Horrible! The last few episodes of the last season were just starting to get good. The last episode sucked big time. The whole series just did not looked polished. It did not feel like "Star Trek". I think they need to bring back a new series based around or near the Voyager time line.
I'd put the series in that order too, Force. I think I liked the 'Nth Degree' episode of TNG the best, the one where Broccoli melds with the computer and takes the crew to meet the Cythereans. 'Tin Man' was good, too.
Back to Spock's Brain, I didn't totally "understand" this episode until I was older. One of my former coworkers commented that the belts put on the landing party by the women were chastity belts. Hmmm.... The men above were afraid of the "others" and referred to them as "givers of pain and delight". Hmmm... I still remember seeing this Wonder Years parody of the above ep. There are some other clips on YouTube that include the minute or so preceding the above. It involved Becky Slater (I totally forgot about that). For me, I liked both TOS and TNG. Voyager and DS9 weren't so great so I didn't watch all those eps. DS9 became uninteresting to me which I why I stopped, but then it got good at the w/the Dominion War. I actually enjoyed Enterprise and watched every ep.
Well I don't think Star Trek was the first to introduce women having empowerment. I'm starting to catch the reboot of Elvira's Movie Macabre now....I think it's really funny to catch B movies from the 50s and 60s. I notice there were quite a few B movies in the 60s that had themes of cultures dominated by women. I tended to like that episode more when I was a kid: after med school (and learning how absurd the medical science behind that episode)...well that kind of killed that for me....though seeing Leonard Nimoy act like a remote control entity is funny Different strokes for different folks! I don't think its our slight difference in age (I looked up the dates for TNG...looks like it ended right before I hit college), so much as the diversity in sci-fi. I do think sci-fi is one of the most diverse genres. Blade Runner, for example: even though it's set in the future....the format is very film noir. While I was growing up, I started with TOS at a very young age...I liked seeing space ships and the variety of the writing. While I watched TNG, I did recognize some episodes that were derivatives of the original...but I also saw plenty that were from a wide range of different writers. I occasionally liked a DS9 episode...and began seeing "formula" with Voyager episodes. I also liked Quantum Leap while I was growing up, so I did have hopes for Enterprise (Scott Bakula...Sam...who wouldn't want to see how that would translate to captain of the Enterprise). I found quite a bit of dissapointment with its first season....the episodes seemed so formulaic, that I could actually look at my watch and time when "the setup" was happening...when they would "encounter" their conflict...and then when they'd have resolution with their current encounter. When I saw what episodes I did of season 4...they did such a better job of having sub-plots and less formula! If they had started off that way, I think we wouldn't need "a reboot" from JJ Abrams
I think many of us cat lovers enjoyed The Trouble with Tribbles. Noticed how the Vulcans liked cats, and Klingons HATED them? And Worf was the watchdog of the Enterprise in more ways than one?
Interesting, I never thought about it that way. Then again, I don't like pets. Yeah, Worf had an issue w/Data's cat, Spot. Did you like the DS9 ep Trials and Tribble-ations (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki that was connected to Trouble With Tribbles?
Yes, I saw that DS9 episode and Worf said the Klingons had a "Final Solution" to the Tribbles. If I had a German Shepard, I'd name him Worf, but he would think his real name was "HONORABLE"
As an afterthought, Britney Spears never played a space babe, but Jessica Simpson was on Star Trek: Enterprise.
I know that ep is has been a fan favorite for ages, but I do not know, I wouldn't consider it the best TNG ep. Maybe I should rewatch it a few times to be sure... In the SF Bay area, ages ago, one local station did a viewers' choice marathon and I think Inner Light was the top ep or at least made the top 5.
Really? Is there some correlation with the birth rate of tribbles and cats or something? I've never been much of a cat person. We did have one when I was growing up: I am an animal person, so cats still like me. Its just that more recently I've noticed I'm a lot more alergic towards cats. I don't think it's so much a sign of intelligence what pet you gravitate towards. My grandfather was one of the most intelligent people I have known...and he couldn't be in the same room as a cat just because of his allergies. I personally grew to like a dogs personality (before I learned I'm now also quite allergic to cats)....and I know that then goes into the endless debate about what is a better/ more intelligent breed...those that can understand and comply with us: vs those that can understand and "adopt" us
There was a STNG episode where Data asked Worf to take care of Spot, Data's cat. Data had an entire list of requests to Worf on how to take care of Spot. Worf was very reluctant to do so but did agree, saying only "I will feed him." Klingons despised tribbles more than any other animal, something we found out in the original series "The Trouble with Tribbles" (show #44).