No, but I saw an ad for a french press that looked interesting. The next poster's going out tonight to help operate a model railway.
No... really? Do you get to wear a hat? I can just see you in one of those hats! The next poster has had two shots of Moka, and is feeling pretty frisky!
No, I don't need mocha for that. (I don't wear an engineer hat, either, and making little train noises is not looked upon favourably.) The next poster's going for a walk to the sunshiney park today. And so's their dog.
I think so too... The next poster is riding three different planes on the same day thanks to Expedia.Com.
No. Did you want the cheapest flight, or not? The next poster's taking their car in for the water pump recall tomorrow.
What water pump recall? Non that I know about. The next poster is going to Wal Mart at midnight so their son can get the new Nintendo 3-DS for first issue.
No, I'm not that early of an adopter. The next poster worked too hard yesterday and then foolishly stayed up too late.
No, didn't work at all yesterday and went to bed early. The next poster has a snoring cat next to him/her.
Yes! A fat snoring purry furry ball. The next poster just listened to the Freakonomics, Power of Poop. The Power of Poop | Freakonomics Radio
No, just the name of it makes me not want to click it. The next poster is going to eat a pb&j sandwich today.
I used to eat PBJs, but I think I'll have veggies for lunch today. The next poster's valiantly struggling to turn their to-do list into a ta-da list.
Almost there, just 3 things left! The next poster is preparing mentally to have one of their adult child move back into the house.
No, but child number two thinks she's staying forever. The next poster says they have three kids, but only two of them are human.
No, not in Hawaii, but at least it's not snowing like it is at other friend's places. Sadly, the next poster didn't get up to any foolery today.
No foolery given, but foolery was received. One of my second grade students told me our hamster had escaped. April Fools! The next poster is happy that he or she doesn't have to mow the lawn yet (unlike us here in Fl. who mow practically year round).
Yes, but we did notice that despite the rain, gloom and cool temperatures, the grass turned green overnight, so our time is at hand. The next poster is pulling banana-rum bread out of the oven in 3..2...1 Yum!
No, I can't see that. The next poster got an earlier start today and hopefully won't have to work so late. Either that or they'll get more done.