I discovered this film via a Google search. I wanted to post it here because of it's prescient content and I see that someone else beat me to it (by about 4 years ). If you haven't already watched it, now would be a good time. I find it difficult in general to source material that ties so many important challenges into one piece, so this is a real gem. A must for the pancake house! Zeitgeist - moving forward
For a different POV . . . Conspiracy Science - Conspiracies and Myths Refuted, Debunked, and Explained
Thanks for the link. I have seen the first and most recent Zeitgeist films. Depending on your perspective, the film's creative force could be viewed as the Unabomber of the new millenium. Or he can be seen as Morpheus who presented Neo with THE choice: You take the blue pill, the story ends and you wake up believing whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and i show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Ah, Utopia. That age of enlightenment of the 1960s and early 1970's when anything was possible. Young people starting communes. Turn on, tune in, drop out. John Lennon sang Imagine, the Beach Boys sang Wouldn't It Be Nice, and on and on and on.... Yeah, I drank the Kool Aid, luckily it wasn't laced with the poison that Jim Jones dispensed in Guyana but it easily could have been. Some ideas are dangerous. Some OD on them. Most survive to live quietly forever questioning what they've seen, read, and heard. This much I have figured out after my time on the third rock. Seek answers to your questions but think for yourself after getting them. Do not become a helpless follower of any movement regardless of how "good" it seems. Groucho Marx once quipped " I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT PEOPLE LIKE ME AS A MEMBER". Really sound advice. Better advice - start your own club. I'd love to change the world, But I don't know what to do. So I'll leave it up to you.
I found this film while performing a search for a very specific set of keywords. I am not looking to change the world. I am looking for a sustainable way off of this inevitable train wreck for myself, my family and others who share the same belief system- and I am not some Utopian 20-something prone to superstition with a pension for drinking Guyana punch either. I like to think of myself as a rational and educated person. And being as such, it is strikingly clear to me that our current financial paradigm--aside from being inherently corrupt and diseased--is rapidly being undermined by various technologies. This much is a given. Something is going to have to give soon and I would rather it do so in a positive Kurtzweilesque direction than something out of a a dystopian future novel. We've come so far that I think it would be a universal tragedy to lose it all for failure to evolve.
x-files, man. x-files. I am only helping resurrect a 4-year old post on a glorious 30-degree,snowy spring day here is S. Dakota. sipping chai. wondering if anyone gets it. zeitgeist, yep. it's an eye opener. enjoy. Curt
Kurzweilesque? What a great term! I think I'll start using it and maybe 1 out of 100 people will know what the heck I'm referring to. Ray's a wild one. Takes mucho vitamins per day. You can't dispute the guy is really really smart though. Makes me sort of wonder if he got or formulated some NZT and has been using it for quite some time. Ray's imagination is LIMITLESS!