I know mine slammed on the brakes when it thought I was about to hit a van a couple weeks ago. I stopped short of the van, and the car would have prevented me from hitting it if it had actually been fully in my lane. It wasn't, but that's another story.
Mahalo Thai cool video. I have nicknamed you "Thai the V Fighter". A word play on the Tie fighters from Star Wars and the also the fact that you are a V or Five fanatic. I have had my PCS activate because of an uneven bridge expansion join before. It was quick everything went back to normal when the car realized it was nothing. Now I drive in the other lane when crossing that bridge.
It is great to know that my Prius III package V will brake for naked French girls. Finally we have some technology that is useful. :cheer2:
Yeah, my guesses are either: 1. It's the Lexus system. 2. The driver heard the beeping and applied the brakes before PCS did, and was thus able to stop. 3. It didn't actually happen that way, but thanks to some creative editing, the film makes it look like it did. I'm basically certain that the US version will not stop before an obstacle, as that's what everything I've seen has indicated, both from Toyota and from people testing it (intentionally and not).
Thanks! I haven't seen it before. It looks like a marketing video to me. Too bad I don't know French... :/ I thought it was pretty funny to have the Knight Rider music as background.
Hehehe...yeah, i love the background music!! I doubt that they changed the system from Euro to here. My guess is that this is marketing BS or that our system does indeed stop. From the past evidence(s), it has been with cardboard boxes...maybe something with more mass/substance/etc., the system will behave more aggressively???
my one incident was pretty aggressive. I will admit that I didn't wait to see if I would hit the car in front of me or not once the Prius slammed on the brakes. The braking was so aggressive that my passenger just assumed that I had applied them, not the car.
I expect we'll hear if we've not already one of these PCS systems in a car CONTRIBUTING to an accident. Hopefully when that happens we don't get people freaking out about how computers cannot be trusted, esp. since it seems highly likely these will if not already contribute to a marked decrease in certain accidents. I'm thrilled to see this tech already in production in a few vehicles. It's so obvious to me that sensors + computer override of human controls is the future to efficient automotives. These things can be 100% on guard at all times, are not distracted and have millisecond reaction times. It is going to be unbelievably freaking awesome once we have total automation of our vehicles, even if at only certain times like in heavy traffic, on highways, etc.
The Prius's PCS will not stop the car completely. The French video is not the PCS working. The braking looks too soft for full braking force. Speaking of the Volvo's PCS. I like it better than the Prius's PCS when it works.
I wish our Prius had a collision avoidance system. Then I would feel so much safer when texting in traffic.