After having the Inverter Water pump changed because of the recall, the plug from the water pump fell out during a recent trip. A beep, followed by the red triangle of death, check engine light, low tire warning, and the VSC symbol followed. Stuck out in the middle of nowhere we still manged to get near a Toyota dealer before the ICE wouldn't function and the batteries ran down. My Scangauge had only a PO295 code, which didn't correlate to any condition known to me. The dealer told me that the plug (electrical?) had not been installed properly during the re-call. I'll be calling my local dealer soon about that. Everything running fine now, but you would think there would be a better indication of the real problem.
Another unfortunate example of dealership lackluster service. Unfortunately the ScanGauge will not reliably report Prius DTC if produced by an ECU besides the engine ECU. In your case the hybrid vehicle ECU should have reported an inverter overheating problem, DTC P0A93. In addition the skid control ECU would have reported a 12V bus low-voltage problem and associated DTC, which normally causes the ABS, VSC, and ((!)) lights to appear.
Thanks for the information regarding the display and reasons they are activated. For future problems, how would one know this information? Evidently the Dealer's diagnostics picked it up. I am now monitoring both the ICE and Inverter (DTC?) temperatures with the ScanGauge.
I just had another thought-do you think the Inverter was damaged by overheating? I did drive over a 100 miles getting home after the plug was connected without any problem.
Since the car continues to run OK, the inverter should be fine. Regarding future problems, if you are asking how to DIY retrieve Prius diagnostic trouble codes (DTC), you would need to obtain the functional equivalent of the Toyota diagnostic laptop. Here's a link to the most practical option. However the price is high enough so that it is not suitable for an owner with a casual interest in this: