I was on my way home last night and a Deer jumped out in front or me. I slowed down to about 20 to 25 MHP and missed it. I was focused on the deer in fromt of me than several other deer jumped out to follow the first deer. I hit (or the deer hit, not sure which) me in the front drivers side. Mainly just the bumper. I think the deer was ok as it stumbled than ran away. The prius has no scratches or dents from it, but the bumper did sepperate from the body near where the headlamp is. Does anyone know how the bumper is attached to the body of the car? I am wondering if it is clips that just pop back in place or of some material may be broken. I guess the driving light is in the bumper so the light is slightly out of alignment. I assume it would become aligned again if I were able to put the bumper back in place. I am really bummed as the car is only 6 months old. I am happy that no major damage ocurred. (I think). I am wondering what I should look for to see if there is any hidden damage. Otherwise everything else seems normal.
Taken from an earlier post by Paja. The manual depicts all the fasteners and which direction to push or pull. Good luck. Use front parking radar installation guide (http://www.toyota-tech.eu/legacy/Toy...006DE3046B.pdf). I removed the bumper some month ago for repair after the small collision with a curb-stone and it is pretty easy.
Sorry to hear about that. I have a couple of threads with links to the official Toyota bulletin on removing the bumper skin. I will look for them. Mostly the skin is attached by press in dimples (for lack of a better word) around the headlight area. Otherwise bolts and plastic fasteners. I think I would take it to the dealer for a look over myself.
Since it is a new car? I'd want to make sure there is no underlying body or frame damage. I'd take it to a reputable, established bodyshop for evaluation. It was an impact, so I'd have it checked out... Less than 2 months into ownership of my latest new car, I was rear ended. The damage was slight...but I freaked out. I had the bumper repair done by the best bodyshop I could find...and I had the dealership put in on the rack and look for any possible damage. It was probably reaction overkill...But? It's your "new" car...better safe than sorry. It all comes down to your comfort level. In my case, it was an accident...other persons insurance paying....so I wanted things checked out to the max. Good Luck. Semi Related: Prius seems to almost attract deers....??? Maybe my imagination but lot's of threads about Prius and Deer Impact....
Thanks all. Yes, I have my 5K service this week at Toyota so I will have them look at it. I just wanted to be educated on what might be wrong with it before I take it in. I see the push on connector is gone and the one screw with the HEX head is no longer holding the bumper under the wheel. That looks like the extent of it, but yes, I want a complete inspection by Toyota. (rpeek2 for the doc so I could see all of the fasteners and post this pic of exactly what the problem is)
just got my car back after 3 weeks with the auto body shop, the first time I hit a deer it sounded like your hit, I just popped everything back the best I could, but I got smacked good by another deer, driver side fender, front bumper, both lights and hood, I was so bummed out but it's all better now, $4500 worth of damage
Sorry to hear about your deer accident. Deer like to run/travel together. When you see one, be on the lookout for others waiting to follow it across the road.
I hit a deer a few months back. I was doing around 70 mph on the highway. Fortunately, it was small and I only hit its hindquarters on the right side of the front bumper. My damage was similar to what you are describing. The bumper was knocked loose, there was a small (2-3 inch) crack near the fog light, and the fog light was knocked out. I brought it to my dealership's body shop. Total damage came to around $1200. There was no damage found other than what was apparent. However, I am still having problems with my parking assist sensor on the front right side (see other thread on this topic). So, make sure you document everything because hidden damage could crop up long after the initial repairs are done. Also, if you go through your insurance and pay your deductible, you should be covered for anything that is later discovered. Good luck!
Thanks. I have the Prius II so I don't have fog lights or Park assist. Also There are no cracks. I am hopinh it will be a quick fix. Maybe $50 for the plastic push in fastener that costs Toyota $0.01, plus $100 labor to check and refasten the bumper. That is my hope anyway.
If it wasn't for the crack, this would have been a very inexpensive repair, so I think you're in luck.
Yeah, definitely let the dealer inspect and repair the vehicle. I'm certain your insurance would cover a portion if not all excluding your deductible. I live in a highly wooded/pine area where deer are plentiful. I've learned that deer are creatures of habit, preferring to consistently use the same trail areas including road crossings. It's true that deer travel in small groups, so when you see one, be on the lookout for the others. Since Prius run so quietly, especially if in electric mode, it makes sense to me that deer would not get an advance warning of a car coming down the road. In my sub, where the roads are winding, hilly and dark, the deer don't always see me coming, especially at night, though my headlights are on. Happy Motoring, Tom
A long time ago (about 30 years ago), I hit a deer, smack on the front bumper. Basically pushed my radiator back and crunched the engine hood. My point being that my insurance company said this is one of the few situations where I don't have to pay the deductible (hitting wild animals, I guess). Just wondering whether you had to pay the deductible. Those of you who said they travel in bunches, that's exactly the situation I encountered. I was driving on the freeway (the 101 just North of Salinas, CA for those of you who know the area) in the middle of the night and swerved to miss one deer, only to head straight for 2 other deer. Then crunch. I don't know how many I actually hit. Mike
the deer don't always see me coming, especially at night, though my headlights are on. I've read deer are drawn to headlights, don't know if this is true. I believe I have avoided deer collisions by laying on the horn, I've seen them change direction when hitting the horn-which I improved in my 04. This then makes me wonder why the horn is part of the air bag assembly, so no honking if collision is immanent.
Sorry to hear about your car vs. deer incident. Sounds like you were lucky to get minor damage... Back when I had my Camry Hybrid, I hit a deer less than a mile from my house on my drive to work (going 55-60 mph). Same scenario as you - dodge one deer, and then its buddy jumps out about 3 seconds after the first one crossed the road. This was about 5 weeks after I got my car. I was SO MAD! About $4700 bill to insurance. Inverter radiator was punctured by pieces of my grill, engine radiator had a broken mount, new grill, bumper, hood, and headlight assembly needed (plus labor and paint). Then about 18 months later, I hit another one! UGH. That bill was about $3500. No radiator damage this time, but another hood, bumper and headlight were needed. I will say that I think the paint work on the second fix was better than the first. This was the point at which I decided that maybe hybrids are just quieter (even at 55 mph) than normal cars, or they just like to play chicken with me. Now that I have a Prius - I am paranoid that I am due for another appointment with Bambi (or Bambi's parents)! Good luck on your repairs.
Just to follow up... My deductable is $2000. Thought it was $1000. I don't believe in insurance as anytime you make a claim they will boost your premium to make up for the payout. The bumper has clips on it that break when hit. It isn't just an isssue with replacing a screw and fastener. I had to get a new bumper. I also noticed teh headlamp was jarred slightly. It caused a very small chip in the paint at the bottom and a small crack in the paint at the top. When the body shop removed the headlight they saw the headlight was broken in the rear. No damage at all to the rest of the car. So I had the bumper replaced, headlamp replaced, paint and blend on teh fender. Total was 17K but I am sure I will make that up in a couple of years with my low insurance premium. The body show did an awsome job! even did a complete car wash and detail. And that wet black looking junk they paint in the tires that you get when your car is new. Glad to have the car back.