If Janeway was like Kathryn Hepburn, check out this scene from Ninotchka. Now imagine this is a Holodeck scene between Tom Paris and Seven of Nine. Even change the script slightly..."Could you tell me your designation?" ....Change "Pardon me - are you and explorer?" to "Pardon me, are you a voyager?", "your type will soon be assimilated"
"Must you flirt?" "Well, I don't have to, but I find it natural" Okay, that has got to be a great movie, I must look it up on Netflix! By the way, Chuck, that was Greta Garbo, not Hepburn.
I did not explain myself well, Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) is not unlike Kathern Hepburn, then went on to the YouTube of Garbo doing a role just like Seven of Nine.
Ah, so if "Janeway is like Hepburn, then check out Garbo, and think of her being Seven of Nine in this scene..." Gotcha. And I wish movies still had such strong characters, and such witty repartee!