Hello, Does anybody have the flip down DVD player in their prius? I wonder if it will fully block the rear view (I'm planning on installing the rear view camera, but that's useless on the road). Is the head rest monitor my only option?? And if it is, will aftermarket replacement head rest mess up with the safety concept in any way? The toyota dealer was telling me how those were "specially designed for greater protection". Extremely uncomfortable by the way... Thanks!
Welcome aboard! I can't imagine there would be room for the flip down type and see anything out the back. I would think the head rest type (strap on) would be the way to go or even a 7-8" portable. IMO.
sucks! I've realized it a little bit too late. We "upgraded" from another car with the flipdown TV to the prius and now it feels like i downgraded. Especially considering the fact that the headrests are "active restrain system" ones and NOBODY at my local dealership could tell me if it's safe to replace those (with DVD ones). Any idea? Anybody??? Meanwhile I have a kid who is holding the ipad on her laps, but it's a tough one after we had a normal hardwired monitor with an option to fall asleep while watching...
osa, Until you have things sorted out, the following link can be an inexpensive option in the meantime: DVD mount for Car At less than $10 plus shipping, this can hold your little girl's iPad while she watches video. Anyways, I too have been tangling about what sort of video system to put in the car. The overhead would be easy as you can get a fully self contained unit which would include a dvd player. The same can be said about the headrest monitors. It just boils down to how much you would like to actually spend, how much of an inconvenience you are willing to put up with (overhead blocking rear view mirror) and finding a setup that's esthetically pleasing and goes well with the interior. In the meantime, I've cheesed out and got this for one of my portable dvd players and it works fine. The only thing I have noticed is that it protrudes into the seating area, so during ingress/egress, the seat occupant just has to be careful not to hit the player. Anyways, good luck in finding your permanent in-car video solution and keep us filled in. Myself and I'm sure some of the others would love to see what you'll eventually be able to come up with. Creaky
Good find Creaky! I saw that pro clip is selling a seatback iPad holder - and it looks nicer than the mono price model... But it is more than 10x the price!
Thinking to buy dual screen head rest dvd players but the ones I want has no battery and have to be plugged in to the car always. But not sure if that will ruin/ drain my prius battery during a long trip?
I've seen a 2010 Prius on the freeway with what looked like an 7" or 8" flip down monitor hanging from the roof. Put it this way, it looked pretty weird and funky when you drove next to the car since it looked oversized for the small interior. For my son, I just got a cheap generic headrest bracket and mounted my iPad there for my son. Using A2DP bluetooth through the car, he can hear the audio through the car's speakers.
They make specific iPad mounts for this issue: http://www.amazon.com/BoxWave-Corporation-iPad-Headrest-Mount/dp/B000EU4JIU $12. Problem solved. With the iPad I wouldn't ever buy a built in DVD monitor in a car.
Nope. Never any audio lag with my old iPad, with my new iPad 2, or with my iPhone 4. The sound isn't the best quality, but it's still pretty good to watch a movie or listen to some music without really realizing it.
I want these ESS Headrest Video Package (Gray) Two replacement headrests with built-in 9" video screens at Crutchfield.com They appear to have them in stock to match various Prius interiors
I had a 19" flip-down in our Delica, but was heading towards the head-rest ones in the Prius as I didn't think it could handle a decent-sized flip-down. But now I`m starting to lean towards a flip-down again. Cheaper and bigger with better resolution. The only thing I need to check on is the distance from kid to screen in flip-down or headrest... don't want them to ruin their eyes by being to close. Having the rear vision blocked isn't a problem.... vans/cabs/couriers etc etc can't see out the back... it's what is beside and in front that you need to see.
What happened to the days when most of us were growing up and we flipped through picture books or the like instead of having to be entertained by television and/or movies?
of course not. every car can have a overhead dvd player car monitor. I just bought one here. HTML: http://www.justcardvd.com/ It is a lot of fun. my kids love it.