As you likely remember, Prius was the #1 selling car in Japan for many many months in a row. But then when govt. incentives went away, the Prius fell to the #2 spot as the Honda Fit rose to #1. Well...that only lasted for the month of January because the February numbers are in and the Prius has reclaimed the #1 spot. 2011/03/04 12:37 - Prius Returns As New Car Sales Leader In Feb .
20k sales in a short month without tax subsidy in Japan is very impressive. Kudos to Toyota and Prius.
Here is the link to Japan Auto Dealers Association's ranking page ŽÂ©”ÃŒ˜A‚ÃŒƒzÂ[ƒ€ƒyÂ[ƒWÂ^“ÂŒvƒfÂ[ƒ^ Its in Japanese but translates reasonably... have fun. Giora.
It's a table with rows and columns. When I copy and paste it into Google Translate, unless I translate each box of the table separately, it doesn't make sense. "reasonably" huh? I supposed "reasonably" is "relative." Thanks for the original data, but if we can't understand it....