Real Men and Cats... Personally... I can't believe there are more comparisons of men with pussy habits and social/personal training skill-sets. I mean really... now feline ownership has significant correlative indicators to compatibility with females. I am sooooo hosed. I am also totally pissed off that now I know that no-one lets the same folks know that the fella might be allergic to cats... and gives great face...
My wife concurrs! I love dogs, I love cats, and I love women... oops! :moony: I mean I love my wife!! :kiss:
Tony, what do you think about me going with this look? I feel it contrasts slightly with the typical expectations of gay culture in America, but I'd be willing to give it a go. It really just screams animal lover, falconry gloves included.
Yes Sis... I did read it... Just saying y'all gals are using a measure that would disqualify me, unless they ask... or are watching me hard... Hmmmm... I sure am glad my frau didn't use that as a gauge... well... she had a cat when we met... and in all honesty, Maggie was a good mouser... we didn't replace her when she passed, and I didn't feel as miserable after either.
Sounds like you've met my guinea pig. She -likes- people, especially the uninitiated who reach in to grab her without appropriate protection. Can't expect much from a creature who was tormented by her former owners (she's a rescue from my ex-roomies, who were going to go all 'Born Free' on her and let her loose in MN in April). She is tamed by carrots though
Who knows, if your lucky - that wonderful, well adjusted cat will still be there, though you'd better hurry then - otherwise, they might have to gas him again.
My sweetheart grew up without cats, but they did have a family dog, which is cool. Now he says he is "converted to cats" for a variety of reasons: convenience, lack of neediness, good hygiene, affection and NOT having to walk in rain or snow OR pick up anything. A great and truly selfless man. But I think that can be said of any animal lover and is summed up best by this old quote: Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. - Arthur Schopenhauer