It could be that this man was just havung a bad day (no attention from wife, no breakfast, cut shaving, etc.). Some people cannot handle very much and never learn patience or self-control, hence morons. My advice: Ignore them! They do not deserve a second of attention (usually what they want). Lastly, it is not the car you drive unless you are wearing a hat too.
So not a HUGE difference. In Sacramento: Cheapest Diesel: $3.85 Highest Diesel: $4.29 Cheapest 87 Octane: $3.56 Highest 87 Octane: $4.09 Damn you and your efficient boat. I think my buddy wastes 16 gallons of OIL during all of our tournament fishing. I get more queasy from the sickening waste of fuel in his 250 VMax engine than I do from the water. lol
So it looks like my comment of running a hose from the exhaust pipe inside their house may actually work. If that one YouTube video is any proof
Here is a good one..I was finished filling up my Prius with gas so I sat in the car put on my seat belt and there is this fool behind me honking his horn at me. I look in my mirror and he is holding up his hands saying "whats the hold up". I unbuckle my belt, get out of the car and ask him what is his problem. He said "whats the holdup?"... I told him I was putting on my seatbelt Now there are 16 empty pumps at this station, but he needs to use mine. I asked him if his name was SUNOCO. Because then he has every right to use my pump because his name is on it. Then I told him I forgot to get something inside. So I proceeded to go in the quikmart station and walk around. The jerk is still waiting to use the pump I was parked at. there are empty pumps all I walk outside, flip him the bird get in my car and drive off. I am normally calm but stupid people really piss me off.
That is ballsy. Most people will just curse you as you take your time inside but some people are crazy and that guy obviously was. Strange, too, because it takes no time to fill a Prius with its small gas tank!
I took 5 gallons. A weeks worth of commuting and shopping for my wife. It took no longer than 5 minutes to fill the tank.
Wth? Were you blocking the diesel pump or something? I've been honked at while driving my Prius, but it's hard to tell if I'd get the same treatment in another car. It was for refusing to do things that I consider dumb or dangerous: going over 15 in a parking lot, stopping in the middle of an intersection, etc.
Suburban neighborhood dad fight! Watch out, that guy could've winged some dried up old Cheerios at you that his baby dropped in the back seat of the van. Those things hurt when thrown at the correct angle/velocity.
I think they also get a pickup truck to make sure they kill as many US soldiers as possible. Or something like that. They always have Support Our Troops ribbons, which is a huge irony...or maybe not. Maybe they want to make sure they have enough gas. (Interesting point... as I was typing this post, the ad banner (that read priushippie's post) showed an ad for the Silverado.)
When you best a fool, you have accomplished nothing. I just get on my way... Interesting fail: When I was a teenager in Bethesda, MD, a guy felt the car in front if him was going too slowly coming off the exit ramp from US 70 onto Old Georgetown Road. He sped up to pass the car and crossed the line into oncoming traffic as he was flipping off the slow driver. He died in the resulting crash. Tell THAT story to St. Peter.
I am on the Corvette forum, Viper forum and the HD forum. When I post about the Prius when the opportunity comes up, there are always some jokers that have to make comments. I always have a good come back for them, but it never stops.
I've noticed that people go out of their way to pass me, even if I'm going 5-7 miles over the speed limit. They would go 80 in a 55 just to pass a Prius.
Very simple they hate you b/c in their twisted logic it is your fault the gas is 4$ a gallon and you drive 50MPGer while they drive 13MPG truck. Think: if you were driving Suburban and were paying 150$ to fill it up wouldn't you hate some smart nice person who is getting a free pass?? Why are you not suffering like everyone else?? Isn't it very selfish of you?? :welcome:
How are some of you driving? I've come to realize a complete unconscious impact on how I drive depending on which car I'm in. Sometimes in the Prius I drive way slower than an old man. Braking very early and long, accelerating like my life depends on squeezing another 10 feet out of that gallon of gas. Fairly often I look in the rear view and somebody is close to me. I look at my speedometer and realize that the fact they've not already started putting bullets into my car is a tribute to their patience. So I speed up