Anyone dealing with their 2002 Prius Headlights getting Hazy/Foggy? What can be done? I took it to get polished up by a local car wash that had a special for $39 and they did a decent job. They took off the yellowing, but now they are still hazy/foggy. Do they sell a new updated glass lens for these lights? or a new plastic piece? thanks
I just use meguiars plastic x to buff my headlight twice a year (before and after winter) to solve that problem.
There is a relatively new headlight polishing chemistry from 3M that has a UV resistant sealant that you apply after polishing to prevent further hazing. We have not used it yet, but I have heard it works pretty good. You can buy new complete headlight globes from Toyota, but they are pretty pricey. To my knowledge, there are no aftermarket sources for Gen 1 headlights. If anyone has info on aftermarket gen 1 headlights please share. Eric Eric