You'll get over the shock. In Houston, I commuted in a Duramax 3/4 ton 4x4 crew cab. I ran a hot tune too, one I custom wrote myself on EFILive. It wasn't too bad since I had a short commute. Now I drive 100+ miles a day, and the truck was overkill, so I too got a Prius. You're right about the other stuff. People tend to focus only on fuel, but tires and multiple gallons of oil also add up fast. Now, tires are $70 instead of $170....4 qts of oil instead of 3 small battery instead of 2 huge ones, $6/day vs. $18. The truck was paid-for though, so I kept it for Home Depot runs and snowy days. They told me Oklahoma didn't get enough snow to worry about. Two storm-of-the-century blizzards later, I'm glad I didn't listen to them.
You guys w/ all your trucks don't have to pretend you were manly in your previous life. I traded in my skirt for my Prius.
Exactly what I did...I took a bit of ribbing from the other cops then bought a round during "choir practice." When asked what the occasion was, I told 'em I had to find something to do with all my gas money. No snide comments since then.
If you understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, why do you suspect him of kidding ? I am another who think the Prius looks great. My father-in-law, a nationally renowned architect in Israel, saw my Prius new in 2004 and told me it was one of the nicest designs he has seen in a car. He does not hand out praise lightly.
Oh, I don't know if can pull that one off - 0 to 60 in 10 sec is what it is.... but tell 'em you drove an electric car that goes 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds. There was a kind gentlemen letting a few test drive his Tesla Roadster at GreenDrive last October. This video is kinda crazy, but get's the point across very well.... Enthusiasts | Tesla Motors (something causing video to not play well today)
It does look small on the outside but I was quite surprised how "big" it feels when driving. I don't miss my traditional midsize cars at all. And I absolutely think it's a good looking car!
For all the complaining about complexity of hybrid drive (listening Jeremy Clarkson?), it sure looks like HSD allowed them to create a lot of cabin space in Prius.
Welcome aboard. You made a sensible choice. I see a lot of Prius in South Texas, and they're not all being driven by grandma or grandpa. My previous vehicle (Land Rover) returned 15 MPG highway on 93 octane. That now makes me cringe! It was very nice, but I came to realize I didn't need one of the best off-road vehicles ever made to travel down the interstate. Perhaps if I lived in Montana, it would have made some sense.
I got to ride in the Tesla, at Green Drive Expo, in October Oh, and just how fast do you think the OP's big-a##ed pickup went from 0-60? Probably not as quickly as a Prius will!
I didn't say it had a bad design...I just don't think it's particularly a "looker". In my opinion (and that's all this opinion), if you don't get out of your car, then turn around to look at it as you're walking away, it's not a looker. Further, I've NEVER heard anyone say "I want a Prius because they look so cool!". LOL I don't mean anything bad by what I'm saying...I'm just stating my opinion. The design is spot-on for it's function. And, I agree with the statement about space in the car. From the outside, it doesn't look like there would be much space, but once you get inside, you find out differently. I just hauled a whole bunch of stuff back from Chicago...I never would've been able to have done it in the G35 or C30 I used to have. Again, don't get me wrong...I love my car...I just don't think it's particularly stunning to look at. It's a purpose built car, and it serves it's purpose better than any other car on the market.
For months after I bought the car I would turn around to stare at it after getting out from a drive and think "this car is beautiful." My wife thought the same, although she rarely was found just standing staring at it. From side views anyway. I have never really thought the front or back views were attractive. Not bad, just not attractive. Close to 7 years later and pockmarks from a hail storm I *still* really like the outside view. I just have to stand a bit further away to not focus on the metal pitting.
True. Was in an F250 on 280S around Cupertino few years ago. couple dudes in 2nd gen doing about 80 MPH. I coulnd't catch them in the F250. It was bit older, but slow on freeway. Prius can move on freeway. Not slow. Just a wee pokey off line unless punch it, but I didn't like doing that - thought it would lower FE.
Crap, i was gonna say that you got a Prius with shitty color...but, then i saw your signature! x2. At first, i did not care much about the Prius Five look, but recently, i really think that it looks really good! Sleek...and love the 17" rims!! :cheer2:
Im not sure how fast my Sierra will go from 0-60 (I looked it up and posted it on the forum somewhere) but it's much quicker than my G3....which at 10.something seconds from zero to sixty isn't going to be confused with anything beginning with the word 'sport'. B/C of the battery assist, Priuses probably are pretty quick from zero to about 20mph. However (comma) if you really have to get into one of those daffy "mine's bigger than yours" discussions...Priuses aren't speed limited like most trucks are, so you can reel them back in when you get onto an interstate...if you're into that kind of thing. To the OP: Greetings and welcome! :welcome: I personally don't feel any less 'manly' when I'm in my G3, or any more so when I'm in the truck. Current demographics notwithstanding, I do feel somewhat like I'm driving a kid's car---but my infrequent trips to the local gas station make that go away rather quickly. I'm a statistical outlier. (usually am... ) I actually don't mind the looks of the G3, in fact I think it's a rather well executed itteration of the whole Prius design. Takes all kinds though, cause I'm certainly in the minority where that topic is concerned in these parts!!! Good luck with the car.
I went from a f150 4x4 supercab and a 98 suburban to a man car called a 2005 Corolla LE with the thoughts of getting another truck later. 2 days ago, I traded the corolla in for a 2011 prius II. A bit more substantial car than the corolla and thus far I love it. My wife has a 2008 V6 RAV4 4X4 which she also loves. When she gets it paid off, I will look at another 4X4 truck and also keep the prius and Rav. I did take a razzing when I bought the prius, but I think I took more crap when I bought the corolla.
Depends on his mobs but with an aftermarket controller there is no reason why he wouldn't have been able to blow to doors off the Prius and MANY sports cars. A completely stock 2006 Duramax diesel can run 13s in the 1/4mile with just a controller. A modded diesel can be extremely fast off the line when boosted in 4-wheel drive. Some of those trucks put out over 1700ft.lbs. of torque! My 5500;bs GMC 4x4 pulled off a 1.8 60' time and I only had about 550ft.lbs of torque at the time.