After 2 years of looking at the Prius and other hybrids, I finally took the plunge and bought one. This forum is what finally sold me on the car, and after getting my Prius, I haven't looked back. Thanks for contributing to the board!
Especially if you have a gas guzzler in the house, you are going to be amazed at how much money you save compared to the other vehicle. At some point, getting only 50 mpg on the Prius will irritate you.
Welcome to the family...I just bought a new 2010 IV (Black of course) and love it almost as much as I do my 2006...I have 170K miles on her and she needed a rest...gas just hit $3.28 a gallon here in San Antonio....again, congrats!
I'm saving about $50 a week now. I could push 20 mpg out of my 07 Escalade when I tried, but that was really inconvenient. I usually average about 15-16 mpg in that car overall. I feel like I'm playing a game now trying to increase that MPG number
Welcome to the family is right! The folks here at PC make owning a PRIUS allot more fun and informative. Love the technical information, the "How to s" and "DIY" help, etc. Showing you how to actually drive the car efficiently for extra mpg is great and its archives of real life experience is priceless!! This place has set a standard in my opinion.:welcome:
I was concerned about the car not being a DIYer, but this forum's wealth of information really was the final push I needed to actually get one. I just haven't decided when I actually want to start tearing my car apart.
LOL! Me too. So far just changing the oil is challenge enough, but I've installed Priuschats OEM fog light kit. What fun!