Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. yes i am aware of this, nice of you to realise it too, so now how in the grand scheme of things does this make a prius climate kind ? its doesnt
there have been many 2L vvti engines dying prematurely. we had one that sh!t itself too ffs! at 58K so 2 more left in warranty! I know plenty toyota techs that had to do more than a few warranty engine replacements too. 45-70mpg for a hybrid is pretty poor really considering you can get diesels that out-perform it and cost less to produce in the first place. My E30 can get 40mpg even if you don't drive it that easily on good fuel. Even with all the gimmicks the Prius comes with, I'd give them all up for a car that I actually enjoy and feels involving to drive adaptive cruise and Lane assist is useful as I could see myself falling asleep alright with boredom
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. It is more "climate kind" that a vehicle that does the same thing and has worse emissions. You might be interested to know that there are a large population of Prius owners that: Are NRA members (the people that like them thar guns) Are staunch US republicans/conservatives Do not believe in climate change at all So why did these non-hippies buy a Prius? Even if the Prius ate babies, it would still increase your fuel economy, decrease the need for arab-supplied petrol, and if you are live in London, then it would get you off of paying the congestion tax and there are tax incentives to boot.
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. did i say you are american ? no answer to your question, the new jetta and its under 20k thank you and good night
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. not quite but were on several other forums with a common interest:rockon:
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. Yup, BMW has never had an engine fail ever right? Show me a diesel in the same size class (sky is the limit on price) that gets the same city mileage of 4 litres/100km. There is a reason why there are different brands of cars and different brands of toilet paper. Some people like different things. I along with many others hear have owned BMWs. So it is not like we are all stupid and have never driven one. Although you admittedly have never driven a Prius. The Prius appeals to my inner geek much the same way as the newer BMWs do. I like being able to select the number of minutes my headlights will stay on after the car is off in 1 second intervals like on the BMWs instead of just a couple of hardcoded choices. I like being able to tell the suspension to be at 25% sport mode in the BMW. However I also like watching the bar graph and energy displays in a Prius. I enjoy the adaptive cruise. I enjoy the silence at street lights. I enjoy the low end torque that no diesel can match from the 2 electric motors. More than likely you will drift away in your lane because you are watching all the various displays like some giant video game.
Well that was fun... Time for dinner. And maybe some jaffa cakes. (Our british trolls will know what they are )
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. i like my guns as well, i dont pay congestion charge and several other cars are exempt from it as well, with traditional engines. why do they buy these cars, because they look better for it, they are perceived to be doing their bit and make them voter friendly what next barak obama driving a bomb proof one ? as for arab oil, the UK is not the one trying to steal it from the lowly iraqi population, but thats a different story all together. and the emissions of other cars available today are comparable to the prius, that do not require a trip around the world to be produced
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. You sure about that? The Official Website for Volkswagen UK : Volkswagen UK It has a key with push button start (as many cars do nowadays) but I see no mention of sensors around the doors/hatch to lock/unlock by proximity...
don't understand why you're trolling here Sigh... more spew. Please quantify and backup your claims w/reputable sources. Even if a car is made locally (like the US made Ford Crown Vic), it doesn't mean that everything is sourced locally. See National Geographic Channel - Human Footprint - Our Driving Imprint and . The VAST majority of the energy use of a car is from operation, NOT production. See and pages 4-5 of along with Mr. Green's Web-Only Mailbag - November/December 2007 - Sierra Magazine - Sierra Club. You're not much of a "car fan" if you come here attacking us w/misinformation. using racial slurs and calling our cars "toys". Hydrogen is a ridiculous direction to go. The energy needed to extract hydrogen from water is greater than the energy carried by the hydrogen. You're better off using the electricity for EVs. Good lord! Sounds like you or someone got their ridiculous claim from the CNW junk science that somehow Priuses have lifespans of 109K miles. The HV battery alone is warranted for 8 years/100K miles and 10 years/150K miles in CARB emissions states. Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity - Hybrid Electric Vehicles shows several Priuses taken to 160K miles. CR tested out an 02 Prius w/206 K miles. Seee Toyota Prius: Consumer Reports. CTV British Columbia - Hybrids prove very reliable - CTV News has a 1 million km Prius. John's Stuff - Toyota Prius Owner - Jesse 4 is one w/349K miles on its original HV pack before its life was cut short. There are a lot more 20 year old Japanese cars on the road here than 20 year old BMWs. I don't understand the purpose of you guys trolling here. You guys keep digging yourself a bigger hole by spewing all sorts of misinformation and myths that we've heard many times before that's all been debunked. Depending on thoroughly debunked CNW junk science and Clarkson who seemed to get his info from the same source is ridiculous. Top Gear is a worthless show if you want factual information or informed opinions. The majority of the target audience for Priuses is NOT interested in far more expensive vehicles w/far worse fuel economy and emissions, inferior reliability (some terrible), higher maintenance costs, and higher repair costs for the sake of handling, acceleration or the mythos of German engineering. Really? BMW started doing this before 1997?
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. clarkson is god in regards to energy uses and pollution, i'm proud to say that its not the UK who has the highest carbon out put per capita, so even though you are embracing the prius, its not having much of an impact. the over all impact of the prius is well publicised and varified by many people as for hydrogen, bmw real life testing started 5 years ago BMW officially announces the BMW Hydrogen 7 — Autoblog Green
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. I find it very amusing that you guys are doing exactly what you guys are criticising the OP and the rest of us for doing - making your BMW look like the best thing since sliced bread. I call BS on the auto-stop. I believe VW had it in the early 90s before your BMW. Toyota has had projector beams on its cars too in the early 90s, around the same time your BMW had it. (Toyota Sera) Remember, you're comparing the European market to the US market. You guys would rather drive BMWs than Ford Focuses cause BMW has a better brand name than Ford (esp. when you can get a lower 3 series for the same price as a decently-equipped Focus). Our smallest cars (except the smart and MINI) are the size of your "family cars" so bringing in any other supermini (Polo, Panda, Punto etc) with a tiny 1.0litre-1.2 litre diesel engine isn't fair comparison. You try getting an American into a 4 seater car the size of a MINI that doesn't have the cache or fun-to-drive factor of the MINI with a petrol engine. :mod: Lastly, may I warn those that decide to wreak havoc on any other forums. We do not support these actions and we will take appropriate actions on any other members that decide to troll on other forums.
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. I actually got to ride in one of those Hydrogen7s... It was quite a unique experience. Note those that it's not a pure hydrogen car (at least the demos I rode in). They're bi-fuel vehicles that can run on petrol and hydrogen. The tank also takes up about 80% of the boot.
" By the way, you should never wait to be assigned to fill-up your wife's gas tank. Filling up and washing her car makes for a very happy husband. " The above, alone, is reason enough for me never to buy a Prius. Thank God, John Wayne, Wild Bill Hickock ,Jack Johnson and Rock Hudson never got to read that.
Re: Drove my wife's BMW. Boy was it crude. You never had imaginary playfriends as a child? Give Kos time to grow out of them. (you missed the madman2 persona)