So excited average 57.4 on the way home today!! We have owned our Prius since December. Love it Stick it high gas prices
I love it! I just took this picture after getting home from school. Highest YET! It's not even that warm outside at 50F.
Of course you then went to the grocery store only to find that produce and just about everything else has skyrocketed in price... Sorry to rain on your parade.
My best ever is 40.2mpg over 30 miles (most of my trips are 10mi or less) in 70 degree weather. I have almost 700 mi on my 2010 Prius, purchased 12/29/2010.
65 MPG! I had to laugh on the way in this morning, all the small cars were driving much slower (I assume because of the price of gas), yet the big 4X4 Pick-up Trucks were still driving 55 in a 45 zone! They must be rich...
WooHooooo I FINALLY got that elusive 50 mpg (well, it was elusive to ME). I got as high as 52 mpg on a 40 mile trip this weekend.
My best was from Black Mountain, NC to Chimney Rock, NC (approx 19 miles), at 99.9 mpg. I continued driving to Fairfield Mountains in Lake Lure, NC (about 11miles) and I think my mpg dropped to the 70's or 80's.
Just got a 2010 a few weeks ago... so far best mpg is 53.5. Looking to do even better in the future, since I drive about 30,000 miles/year.
I figure the big 4X4 trucks showing off their accelerator is a prime example of conspicuous consumption. The concept of conspicuous consumption baffled me when I first heard of the term in high school and it still hasn't sunk in yet. If I'm right, it kind of goes like this, you burn money in front of someone, act like it doesn't matter and then expect the person to be impressed. I know people personally such as family members that are into conspicuous consumption and they don't know how silly they look when they start complaining about finances.
Pushing it doesn't count Seriously though, I'm still learning to drive with getting the most mpg. But that's amazing!
Hhahah my best mpg is 31mpg at avg speed of 8mph. Thanks to all the traffic (many stops and short distant trips) and hot weather in Cambodia (90F or more). Average about 350miles per tank. How would I improve that?