Thanks FrayChild for all your contributions. You made my install a breeze. The completely agree with your list of things that rosen doesn't do well. I have come to the conclusion that although Rosen isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, it will get the job done. I might install a review camera, but not anytime soon. There's like a 20percent chance this will even happen. **I've finally caught my system crashing** I try to play this one specific song, which has a English song tittle and it just crashes. Then it automatically reboots and starts playing another specific song and then when I try and get the system to play my first selected choice it finally works. I'm kinda confused as to what could be triggering this. I'm attempting to play the song via the harness and not bluetooth.
just got mine installed today and its not that bad idc about nav since i got gps on my iphone the WORST things about this HU -bluetooth streaming it wont let u do anything else on the deck when ur streamin music and i mean u cant hit settings... mess around w/ it etc.... its annoying as hell rosen should at least let us stream music in the background -ipod harness does NOT WORK w/ iphone 4, yes it will charge but you can't play music or stream via bluetooth once u plug it in anybody know how to solve the ipod harness problem or is useless to me...
and btw 4 u users who wanna hook this unit up if you got subs/ amp you will need an additional harness for sub out which u can buy at just look up the product id number on the rosen install sheet its not necessary u buy this but u will be retarted to not hook this harness up...
Hey bAthinAzn - Now you see all the little quirky things that we are talking about? It's really stupid stuff and you ask yourself, "how come they didn't catch this and update it???" The unit has so much potential, but some of the ROSEN engineers/programmers/designers fell short and didn't deliver the product all the way! Otherwise, the unit is great and does the job! I really wonder how the FlyAudio compares to it...? The funny thing is, my wife loves it and doesn't find a damn thing wrong with it... I don't complain anymore though, the unit grew on me and I'm already used to it... Besides, it's her car now and it's her unit - so if she's happy with it, I'm happy!
Are you able to expand on this a little bit? My unit hasn't arrived yet, but I'd love to have garmin's interface on the rosen, because then I could eliminate my Garmin Nuvi. Are you saying it's possible to do with the Rosen HU? Chris
FYI... When I was installing the Rosen HU. I did not have to remove the factory AUX plug in order to run the ipod cable. What I did was just ran the ipod cable through another small hole (see attached pic). However, you have to remove one of the two ipod white pin connector (small black box in the middle of the ipod cable) since that hole is so small so I can keep the factory AUX plug intact. But BEWARE before you remove the ipod white pin cable, you have to remember where the white pin color connector seated so you can plug it back exactly like it was seated. If you plug back in opposite, it may damage the ipod cable or else. Just make sure plug it back as it was. I have not tested the factory AUX whether still working or not since i am just doing BT music or ipod cable via iphone. But will test it later to confirm.
i just ran my ipod into the glove box along with the usb cable.. seemed easy enough i guess and i didnt need to pop off or remote any more panels
The Rosen comes with Route66 (???) or whatever running from SD card. You can replace the GPS software with any compatible SW (meaning compiled for the WINCE platform). From memory there are many sites that have software, and lots of aftermarket stuff (iGo has skins) Mobilism • View forum - GPS Releases by Category is your source (pun intended) for everything GPS - there are a lot of good ones out there - I think iGo8 may be the best...
Does the iGo8 software and maps at the site linked above speak street names? That is a software feature, not hardware, right?
From memory yes - it's called TTS. iGo has many many voices to choose from (for TTS). TTS is somewhat hardware also - in that the hardware must be fast enough, and TTS is a memory hog - so I think it wants 128MB SDRAM (but I believe it can run in 64MB - kinda hazy on that point). Look at the Dimka skin (nice and can be tweaked). I like the 'over speed' feature. It will warn you when you are xMPH over the limit on all roads. We have lots of speed traps, so for me, that was a huge plus... Rosen is a WINCE box - I'm sure they run either 128MB SDRAM, or 64MB (and i'd guess it is not upgradeable - these are soldered on chips).
I did. My camera was something I purchased a while ago for my 2004 Prius but never installed. I also added the Rosen back-up sensors...Everything is working well. The camera doesn't have guide lines but is bright and clear. I posted some additional information about my install here and pictures of the camera and sensors here
Thanks for the help. Is this what I'm looking for: Mobilism • View forum - Garmin Windows CE (PNA) Windows CE based? And this for maps? Mobilism • View forum - Garmin Maps Thanks for the help, Chris
There is almost no information on the Rosen hardware specs. Any idea where you found that information initially? Thanks.
Was one of the factory connectors not used when you installed yours? I can't seem to figure out where it plugs into...almost like I'm missing a cable from Rosen. Chris
Everything seems to be working, but I've got a check hybrid system up on the dash going on now for some reason. Think it's something I did with the radio? I'm checking all the functions, but so far the radio, ipod(Iphone 3GS jailbroke) works. I've hooked up the wires for the backup stuff, but not the cameras and sensors yet. Going to test the DVD, CD, MP3, etc now just to make sure before I put it all back together. I'm probably going to get laughed off this board right now, but where the heck is the starter battery for these cars? Is there a way to reset the computer on them to see if the "check hybrid system" goes off? Chris
If you are referring to the camera connector (DP-1010) it comes with three connectors but you only need two. One connector is to the backup sensors and one of the other two are for the camera video. If you get a Rosen camera, you use the black connector, if you use a generic camera, you use the yellow input. If you mean the iPod connector (DP-1053), one connection is for the IPOD, the other is for the Sirius Radio Control...
I was actually referring to the stock plug on the prius. There's a white connector from the prius that isn't hooked up to anything now. Who knows what wire is the reverse signal wire? I need that for the backup camera. Chris
If I am reading the Toyota manual schematic schematic correctly, the reverse wire is a pink wire at a 22 pin connector. If you didn't have a nav radio before, I don't think it would have gone to the radio before. Another place in the manual it says the wire is pink with a brown stripe.