I'd like to order a base model in Winter Gray with the Misty Gray interior. However, I can't seem to find that combination anywhere in SoCal (the Dark Gray interior predominates). To avoid being too monochromatic, would I be better off getting the base in Metalic Silver with the Dark Gray interior? BTW - The Winter Gray and the Metalic Silver are my two favorite colors for 2011.
Good question. IMHO, the Winter Gray is a drab color. To me it looks like wet clay. The Magnetic Gray on the Gen II Prius had a much nicer metal flake. That said, between your 2 top choices, I would definitely go with Silver (+dark gray interior). My favorite color on the 2011 is the Blizzard Pearl however. Not only does it look great, but white matches everything; it's easy to maintain, modify, and find parts for. Good luck!
As an owner of a Winter Gray, I really like this color . People with the Misty Gray have reported that the light color is hard to keep clean. I have the Dark Gray and I can see where this will be much easier to keep clean than the Misty Gray. Your two top choices were also my top two. The only reason I chose the Winter Gray over the Silver is that my wife's car is Silver Gray and I wanted something a little different. The Silver Gray will not show dirt like the Winter Gray but the Winter Gray really looks nice when clean. As you can see, you will see a lot of different opinions on most any subject on this site.
That's because Misty Gray isn't very frequently allocated to SoCal. You'll have to look extra hard if you want it. It's the best interior color though, making Dark Gray seem rather monotone. It gets just as dirty as Dark Gray, but it doesn't show as easily (hence people's excuse not to clean as often). I haven't found it to get dirty easily, but then again I'm not naturally filthy like some people are. Winter Gray is a love it or hate it color. Either people really like it or they think it's drab. My personal preference of the two choices would be Silver with Misty Gray.
I have your color combo that you want...i love it! But, my first choice was actually Blizzard Pearl with Misty interior. Silver was my 2nd choice. Winter Gray was not even on the radar until i saw it in person...now, looking back, i can't be any happier with my choice.
I have a winter grey with misty grey interior. I rented a blizzard with dark grey, and hated the all dark monotone interior. Atleast with the misty grey, there is some contrast with the dark inserts on the doors, center console and upper/lower dash. Make sure you get what you want. There has to be one out there.
Maybe your dealer will order the combination. Otherwise, have you considered Barcelona Red? Best wishes as you shop for your Prius.
I'd call or email them. I got my Black/Misty Gray from them (home delivery included). They even had some Vs without ATP the last time I was there, which are rare as they used to be not allocated to SoCal at all.
I have silver with dark gray interior and highly recommend it. Looks great, and exterior isn't nearly as high maintenance as winter gray.
Given that your car will have cloth, the Misty Grey won't be as difficult to maintain as if it was leather. I find the dark grey cloth interior a bit dull (yet I have no problem with a dark grey leather interior.. I think it's because they're able to dye the leather to a deeper grey colour than the cloth which can look light esp. in the door panel cloth inserts compared to the leather models)
My dealer told me that they found a Prius II with my color combination at another dealership 300 miles away. They said they could get it for me but that I'd have to pay the $400 shipping cost.
I'd vote for the Metallic Silver with the Dark Grey interior. I have a Winter Grey III with the Misty Grey interior. I love my exterior color (even though it looks extremely dirty already this winter), but I really wanted the darker interior. Too me, it makes the car seem a class above. And since you're worried about being monochromatic, go with the silver exterior.
I would recommend getting exactly what you want. I just ordered a Black 2011 Prius Five ATP with Misty Gray interior. I don't want to have a Prius / car with any regrets of "I wish I would have..." I ordered it a couple weeks ago and it won't be built until March and delivery will probably be in Mid-April I was told.
Wow.. that's just utter crap. Dealers do trades all the time. They can help one another out by trading vehicles (it doesn't have to be a Prius for a Prius). I figured, if you don't want to do the trade, then I'll go down and buy the car from that dealer myself. They'll lose the sale and you'll only be inconvenienced 300 miles.
I agree with Tideland Prius. I bought my car from a dealer 100 miles away since my local dealer was not interested in getting me the car that I wanted and did not think I would go elsewhere. I had talked with dealers up to 250 miles away and was prepared to go that far before I found the one 100 miles away. A decent dealer should be able to help you find the car that you want. Another way to do this is to go to dealer's websites in your area and check out their inventory. If you find the car that you want, check the VIN number. If it is a complete number, then that car is either on the dealer's lot or in their pipeline.