I hate spending a lot of time drying a car!! I've got a decent waffle weave microfiber car drying towel. 2 of them. It gets drops of water up quickly and holds a lot of water, but it is not very good at completely drying the car. What is good at getting the car completely dry is a polishing type cloth with a bit of solution sprayed onto it. I have Quik Wax (spray wax) to mist a little bit of that on the cloth. Then I can finish a large area, get it completely dry with no water spots and I get a little bit of spray wax back onto the paint. No use to mist the Quik Wax onto the paint as that would overspray everywhere onto trim, glass, etc. Just mist it onto the cloth and it glides over the paint easily. Looks like that is how I'm going to dry from now on. Note - I also 'sheet' water off with stream and use leaf blower on hard to reach areas, then it's towel time.
I stopped using towels, too much scratching going on.... Metro Air Force Blaster - Dryers For Cycles This unit works really well, and it gets damn near ALL the water off the car! SWEET!!!
Is shamwow the same type of material as the Absorber? I bought an Absorber months ago but have not used it yet.
i was kidding, see the info mercials all the time. maybe our aussie friends know, i think it's from there?
If you believe shamwow's ads you probably drive a vw. "You know the germans always make good stuff" I'd like to know who thought any tv marketing campaign should name it's product "sham"anything.
Sham wow will scratch the hell out of your car. They aren't soft at all... The Absorber is better, but I would still never touch my car with one.