MelissaAnne, where's your pix? I now feel a need to go to Hooters. Rokeby, thanks. I didn't know it was a song before it was a Nair commercial.
Pics (and by that I mean the subjects) in this thread are a lot higher class than in the Wallmart thread, even though many are taken at Wallmart. Oh, and "we wear short shorts" I believe is the correct response to the OP's question.
I know this will tell my age but I miss Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA). The stewardesses wore shirt shorts but thanks to Gloria Steinem and Women's Lib they were banned.
Another reason I'm glad I live in Seattle...short shorts only pop up for about a month here...then go back into hibernation. Even the local Hooters went out of business becuase we're far too smug and erudite for that phony, trashy, flirty nonsense. Humpf!
That's because you have Blu Water Bistro (Greenlake and Leschi). Same hot waitresses, but much better food. To be clear: it's not a place you go to for the waitstaff, the food really is good (but the female waitstaff just happen to be hot). Disclaimer: I haven't been there in a few years.
I am surrounded by short shorts 24/7, 365. Sometimes it gets ugly though and you just think to yourself really? Most of the time it's funny sunburned visitors are the best.
Noooooo. You can wear shorts in Hawaii, it's a must on a beautiful island with the sun beaming down on you. Just don't wear white shorts with a black thong sticking out the top, shorts jammed up your read, and everyone finding that "hidden" birthmark you've only told a few people about.
Hyo, you know me well enough, in person, to feel sorry for anyone else on a nude beach with me! But, it would be nice, just once, to be able to visit one...
I say SCREW EM'!! Just ignore what other people say. Go to a nude beach and say you went and it felt amazing to be bare. I can guarantee there will be people triple your size looking at you thinking "Wow, I wish I looked that good" but you know what, they had the courage to do it too. Nude beaches are full of people who don't judge others, they just wanna be NAKIEEEEE!!