Thought you guys might be interested in my numbers on the first tank of fuel. It is a 2011 IV with solar. Consumption meter said 47.6 for the tank. Hand calc was 46.2. It held 9.064 gallons on the refill. Maybe with some practice, we can get it up over 50 MPG.
Your doing good. You will get better and better with time. Alot of people say the car will do better as it breaks in too,, this didn't happen with me though.
My first tank, 417 miles, held 8.74= 47.71 mpg. The computer read 49.9 mpg. The dealer filled it up when I bought it so they could have put more than I did or less. I think I'll just keep maybe a 5 fill up record v/s computer and see how my mileage comes out. I've since started using some glide, coast and ev mode driving at 35mph. We'll see what happens. I've got a 450 mile trip next week also so racking up miles here.
Wow at these great mpgs! I'm averaging 39 mpg. I am on my 2nd tank of gas. Tires inflated to 42 front and 40 rear I'm hoping to reach 40mpg one of these days. Hope springs eternal!
With that warm Florida weather 50 mpg's will be a snap. One thing to remember is the Prius loves warm, dry, weather. We have nearly 44,000 miles on our Prius and my wife and I still enjoy driving it. You purchased a great car. alfon
:welcome: Break it in (*at least* 3000mi, IMO - like in all cars, break in period is not the most efficient for any car), follow some of the posts here in the Fuel Economy section about driving tips (but if you follow what the owner's manual says on page 34-35 you are already doing the good stuff), and you will surely improve, roads and traffic conditions permitting. Winter gives a hit, and the display is 5-6% off. Regarding the modes (ECO, normal, PWR) - choose what you like if you manage to follow the hints above and driving tips for fuel economy. In my experience, PWR makes it more difficult to drive in a "fuel friendly" way, especially in town. ECO, IMHO, necessary in winter city driving and makes pedal response subtle enough to fine tune gas. And most of all, anticipate traffic to yield a smooth as possible ride. You will have fun in driving and you will be most likely gifted with 50+ mpg. PS: I get 44 avg because it's COLD here in winter, I need winter tires, and highway speeds are somewhat higher than US; moreover, to get a nice piece of flat land, is almost impossible...