I saw this Dell Product ad the other day in the subway - and said to myself "cool, weird that Apple doesn't have something similar". Then I read a review here. No wonder the iPad sells like crazy....and the Dell is not even *that* cheap, considering all the shortcomings the extra hardware should deliver compared to the "skimpy" (in comparison) feature set of the iPad...
On that note, HP just announced the TouchPad and some evolutionary new models of smartphones. More at Thinkbeyond -- Engadget. It's coming this summer w/a price to be "determined at a later date". I'm not sure how much of a chance it has against the onslaught of Android tablets, iPad and the (now promising looking) Playbook.
I love my iPad. One of my better investments. I'm debating selling it for the second one that is to come out soon.
I would never have bought an iPad on its own, but I got one for free when I purchased my 2010 Prius. It's interesting.
Definitely cool things are coming our way. Pretty soon they'll have a tablet that takes the place of a laptop, and maybe even a desktop. Right now the iPad has some limitations, it'll be interesting to see what the next gen has (should be announced real soon), although I expect to be more evolutionary than revolutionary like the original was. Still, all the other major manufacturers are scrambling to provide something even better.
Wait will apple comes out with irobot: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KeniFoiT-0]YouTube - Terminator 1 ending[/ame] Sorry, that term has already been copyrighted.
One of my better investments was buying apple stock in 1997 in my Roth IRA. Unfortunately, I've sold over 1/2 of it over the years. I kept thinking that it had peaked.
I have no iPad (but do have an iPhone 4) and but I'll disagree. There are some really great and cool apps for tablets, esp. the iPad that don't exist on laptops or have a very poor equivalent experience. Step into an Apple store and play w/one for awhile. Observe what others are trying out. Try out Angry Birds, Flight Control or some other games. If it's not already installed on there, do try installing say Fotopedia Heritage for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store one one (logout of your iTunes account afterward). You'll like it. Laptops are a lot heavier than an iPad and have much worse battery life. iPads make good/great media consumption devices but are poor for content creation and not great for editing...
It's called market capitalism. You create a bunch of useless crap and market the hell out of it to make people think they need it. When you've finally sold this crap to every soul then you have to make more useless crap, market the hell out of it...
i get it alright, im a marketing major, but smart people like me realize i dont need this useless crap when the iphone perfectly has most of these apps as well
Haha! That's part of it. People are interested in the latest shiny stu... err crap. Some apps just look a lot better on the iPad since they take advantage of the larger screen real estate. Try the USA Today app on iPad vs. iPhone 4, for instance. Fotopedia is also nicer on iPad.
i don't have a ipad but, i thought this was pretty neat. jackets, vest, and shirts that have hidden pockets for ipod, iphone, ipad etc. look for the xray view Travel Clothing & Innovative Wrinkle-Free Travel Clothes (Jackets, Vest & more Clothing for Travel) - SCOTTEVEST/SeV®, Scott Jordan Founder & CEO, Pocket Clothing for Travel Accessories and Travel Gear
My wife is an apple junkie and has an Iphone, mercifully on her son's cheap family plan. I have no interest in one. An Ipad on the other hand would be sweet to travel with for short trips, not to have to lug a lap top around. I told her when rumors of the Ipad started coming out, that she could buy some Apple stock, and when it did well enough to finance the I-pad she could cash it in to buy one. I thought that Apple was near it's peak then,, at ~$170. Todays close,,$358.17. I'm gonna get a gen 2 for my birthday! Never underestimate how game changing technology will change peoples behavior. Who would have thought ~ 20 years ago when a Cell phone was an expensive 5 lbs brick what people would be doing with them! Same with the PC/laptop. Who would have thought 20 years ago we would be posting this kind of stuff on this kind of forum without a second thought. (The smart guys knew,,,)
Yep. Apple's cheapest laptops are comparable in price, only a little heavier, have the same battery life, are real computers running real software, and have real keys. They also don't fall down when you try to prop them up. My favorite iPad app is the one that turns it into a flashlight. An $800 flashlight.
What are my choices for a $500 laptop that has a ~10 inch screen, weighs 1.5 pounds and plays 10 hours of video between charges ? How many laptops have superb touchscreens and motion sensors for game playing ? Ever try putting a laptop on an exercise machine ? Or are you just having difficulty grasping the difference in utility between the screen size of a 'pad vs a touch/phone ? I have been a laptop convert since the Mac Duo days, but I have no trouble seeing the disadvantages and advantages a pad has. I'll stick with my laptop, but when it comes time (shortly) to put my wife's ~ 6 year old powerbook to rest she will switch to a pad with my encouragement. I have no doubt it will suit her better than a laptop for most everything she does, at half the price. She can always use my laptop if ever needed. Lastly, just a general observation: stuff people buy as impulse purchases is used a lot initially, and then use drops exponentially. I'm sure that computer pads will suffer that fate for some owners, but I have seen no indication it will be the rule. Resale prices on Ebay are in fact proof of the opposite.