Hi Sorry this may seem a long way to go about something, but I cannot log in to the UK site, I had a computer problem over the weekend, I have tried all I can but the site will not let me log on, I cannot seem to contact anybody,all its saying is you cannot do or that, trying to contact some one is hopeless, any of you English members on here that can help. Thanks MGnut Colin
Hi. The Toyota Prius owners club site, still have not managed to log on to it, after many tries, I found away to send an email to the moderators, but still have not had contact from them, its now one day plus, really bad situation, surely it should be straight forward to log on, or at least have a contact button, that you can hit to send an email. MG nut.
Precise information e.g. URL and error messages always helps... I think you are talking about Toyota Owners Club UK as I've seen a MGnut on there...no problems with the actual site itself. Suggest you check your computer...try logging on from a different computer - it will tell you whether the issue is with your login account or with your computer.
Ditto. I've never heard of the above site, until today. I'd also try another browser, if possible (e.g. Firefox, Safari, IE, Chrome, etc.)
Hi I can get onto the site/forum but cannot log on, it was all ok before my computer glitch, also still have not heard from the moderator. Mg nut Colin
Ok, you're still not helping MGnut - did you try logging in from a different web browser? Did you try a different computer?
Hi Sorry I do not see what trying another computer would do, my feeling is that the cookies have been lost, if I try to register again with my same details I am told they are being used by someone, so my details are being reconised, but it will not accept my details when I try to log on, so I cannot see where my computer is at fault. What would be nice is if I could contact the admin people, but that also seems impossible, al that its saying is your not logged on and cannot use this. nearly a week now, I am thinking of giving it up. MGnut Colin
Another computer would have a different set of cookies. So would another browser from another vendor. That's why I asked you to try other browsers. If those browsers or computers never visited that site before, it will have no stored cookie info for that site.
Hi Speaking to my brother in Australia today, I gave him my details, he tried logging in for me, he got the same as me, so it cannot be my computer, I will have another go at it later. MG nut Colin
Cool...now we're getting somewhere...I know we still only got to where you were saying but atleast we know for sure that this isn't an issue with your computer...still heard nothing back from the admins? Can you take a screenshot of the message you get after you try to log in?
Hi Jands Thanks for trying to help. but I still have not heard from admin or moderators, what a forum, I really enjoyed all the banter and info from it, as I took delivery of my 07 Gen 2 last and was learning a lot from the site, but to me its stupid the help button puts you through to a FAQ page, I cannot get any further with it as I am not logged on. I would have thought a help button would have took you through to someone who maybe able to help, but all I can tell you each time I try to log on, a red high lighted line comes on at the top say USER NAME OR PASSWORD IS INCORRECT, but I will say again, if I try to re-register with my log on details it say someone is useing these details, so there has to be something wrong with the site, but again how can you ask for help when no one will asnwer emails. MG Nut Colin :mod: