This article claims that Magnetic Polar Shifts can cause massive global superstorms. Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms - Salem-News.Com enjoy!
so locally magnetic pole where and aare already shifting before whe where even able to measure it and soon as human was ablt to measure it there have been local magnetic shifts nothing to wurry about but because 2012 and doomsday people those things are now refferred as the end is comming ;-) if the world would be perfect then you would have w black and white north and southpole without any change! but thats not the case and wil never be because thats nature and even if this al would be tru! nothing we can do about it or maybe panic? for somethig we can not stop... no thats stuppid to... so just take it easy and let it happen
Interesting that it's happening to every planet. Is that actually a fact? If it is then how does it happen to all planets? Always thought it odd that magnetic north has been accelerating across Canada more every year - where does it stop?
The first thing I would do is look for other sources for information. Newpapers and regular magazines should be avoided. Like my Dutch friend above mentioned, this kind of weird science always seems to hit the headlines when there are convenient doomsday stories already floating around. To learn more about geomagnetic shift and reversals please start with a light search on the subject so you gain a better understanding of how it is believed to work.
Neither Mars or Venus has a magnetic field. At least according to the sources I checked. I'd assume the accuracy of the rest of the article was on a par with that. That said, I always thought that when the magnetic poles flip, we would be without a magentic field for some time. And that would be very bad news. Not so. From NASA: Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field - NASA Science "They've also learned what happens during a magnetic flip. Reversals take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish. "It just gets more complicated," says Glatzmaier. Magnetic lines of force near Earth's surface become twisted and tangled, and magnetic poles pop up in unaccustomed places. A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti. Weird. But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still protects us from space radiation and solar storms. " I guess I should point out that the article uses current-day intense storms as evidence, even though the earth's magnetic field is still, at present, pretty much the same as it's been in the recent past. For the Australian cyclone Yasi, in particular, you don't need to appeal to anything more than high ocean temperatures. It's pretty well established that hurricane intensity rises, on average, with ocean temperature. Record ocean temps helped to drive the storm. No need to appeal to end-of-the-world scenarios. Same factor that drove Hurricane Katrina. I looked at just one more reference, the "California superstorm" possibility, attributed to NOAA. Near as I can tell, that's this, which was only a discussion in a conference: It's a discussion of what a hypthetical 200-year storm would do to current-day California infrastructure. Has nothing to do with magnetic fields. I.e., the USGS (not NOAA) was not predicting a superstorm due to magnetic field changes, they were asking what would happen in a hypothetical 200-year storm event.
Wouldn't it be interesting if magnetic polar shifts were the underlying cause of global warming. I watched the Nova episode, but nothing was said that either supported, nor denied rising temperatures related to magnetic shifting. If magnetic shifting is occuring at the artic and antartic, then could that be a contributing factor to recent glacier calving; i.e. temps are rising due to magnet shifting. I have no basis to support this idea, just brainstorming outloud.
I would be surprised if Venus didn't have a magnetic engine because of it's proximity to the sun and it's very dense atmosphere. Mars lost it's atmosphere when it's core froze thus shutting down its magnetosphere. The solar wind then stripped the atmosphere away. On a geologic time scale, poles switch all the time. The alternating poles are recorded in oceanic crust (actually, all igneous rocks) as it freezes. In the 1950's researchers noticed a "stripped" pattern of alternating polarity in seafloor rocks in the Atlantic ocean. Symmetric about the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge (MOR). The lead to the theory of seafloor spreading which later became a part of the plate tectonic paradigm.