Anyone had this done before? I just had it done last Tuesday. Other than not being able to blow my nose for a week, And using Bacitracin inside the nose. it has not been all that bad. I always get nosebleeds in the winter. Probably more related to dryness or a little bit of trauma.
I had it done as a kid. I'd wake up in the middle of the night with a bloody pillow. 45 years later and the only nose bleeds I've had were induced by severe contact to my nose.
Similar to Tom... while @ church my nose started running and I wiped only to find a mass of blood on my hand. About two and a half hours later of nearly constant bleeding, the doc finally cauterized it with acid on a q-tip I guess it was.
I've been to a few hippie festivals where I had wished my nose had been cauterized. Hope This procedure helps you out.
I have had it done twice now in my youth. I have occasionally had nose bleeds since but nothing like before I had it done. I belive they use silver nitrate on the swab. The thing I liked was the doctor used medical grade cocaine as an anesthetic.
I was going to mention that but chickened out. When I broke my nose in a motorcycle accident, 35 years ago, the Doc swabbed the inside of my nose from a pint size brown Rx bottle labled 5% Cocaine in H2O, then walked out, leaving the bottle in the room. It was nessasary in order for him to inject a needle full on Novocaine up into my nose to deaden it for internal casts. I still can't believe I refrained from drinking or trying to stealing it as back in those days... well lets just say I was a foolish youth.
I had nose bleeds all my life - even after cauterizing the "bleeders". About 20 years ago I found a permanent cure. Just lubricate inside your nostrils with petroleum jelly every day during the winter. This allows healing and will correct the problem in many cases. Try it, what can you lose? It worked for me. JeffD
OUCH!!!!! I drink more water. That keeps all those sensitive mucus membranes moist. Seriously. They are SUPPOSED to be moist.
There is a lot of truth behind that. Usually I drank any wheres from 2-3 glasses of water a day. I've increased that to 4-6. It's getting better. I had minimal pain from the procedure. I'm going to use the aquaphor/vaseline thing through the rest of the winter. I think my issue was more related to trauma (picking) and dryness. It can be really difficult in the winter months to keep things moisturized.
Good to hear there was not much of a recovery required. Whenever I visit really cold regions my nose starts to ache. I wonder if I started there for any length of time if I would have the same bleeding problems. Maybe this is another reason Neanderthals had such large cavernous noses?
haven't had nose bleeds but i did have a turbinate reduction and a severe deviated septum fixed. it's equivalent to having a paddle bit shoved up you nose with the drill turning at high speed.
About a year ago had a deviated septum fixed along with a bunch of nasal polyps removed during four hours of image guided surgery (which is a good thing working so close to the brain). "Computer guided sinus surgery is the use of instrumentation that merges a patient’s anatomy with a CT scan in 3-D. Computer guided sinus surgery allows the surgeon to know in real-time the exact location of instrumentation within the nose."
One reason for weak blood vessels is low vitamin C. Try taking at least 1000 mg per day to take care of this aspect. Easy bruising is another symptom. For more than you'd ever want to know about vitamin C, check out Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University .