He becomes an atheist? That sounds wonderful. It's so heartwarming to see people come to their senses and accept reality.
"Religion poisons everything." - Chris Hitchens I'm the son of good, god fearing missionaries who practiced what they preached yet I'm not just an athiest, I'm an anti-theist. Suppression of knowledge, war, slavery, intolerance, racism, homophobia, interference with government, terrorism, rape, genocide...sweet jesus...must I continue? Think about it for more than 10 minutes. We have had creation myths forever...man is afraid of his mortality...the Bible is laughable as a moral guidepost (ie slavery)...and...you have to believe in supernatural beings?!?! Opium for the masses my nice person...more like methamphetamines for the mentally infirm. Grow up and face reality like an adult. You and I are going to die...boo hoo. We will not go to a mansion on a street paved with gold to be surrounded by our dead friends and family... and Jesus. Deal with it. It's surprisingly comforting and liberating.
Once again, those of the non-religious persuasion (as in the above post) get insultive, cites only the phonies to claim religion is bad, yet claim to be rational and even-tempered. Over four, five or more years they seem oblivious that this tact has not worked, an I might suggest it's backfiring...why are non-religious people so sure of their beliefs spending sooo much time and anger on this, oblivious of the oxymoron? My main question: Why in over 30 years of programming do I have to work to make a program function properly, yet no program evolve on the hard drive by itself? Expand that to all programmers if you wish. Binary switchs on a hard drive are simpler than organic material. I challenge anyone to explain this rationally.
Where was I "insultive"?...(which, by the way, is not a word...but then Palin makes up her own words too...so I guess you're a supporter as well?) And by the way...you don't make me anything close to angry...I'd go with "sad" if you wish to be accurate. And if I'm going to argue with someone, it certainly won't be with someone who wonders why computer programs don't evolve by themselves...and who can't spell "switches." Yikes. Enjoy your favorite fairy tales...it is entirely your loss. And you were the one who was going to "heat things up?" Please.
Not only have others used the word "insultive" it's in the urban dictionary. You nice personume that's not a word just as you assume I approve of Palin's discourse. You claim to have rational/scientific beliefs, so why do you make emotionally charged posts like #303? Stuff with anger and taunting, dismissing other beliefs as fairy tales, etc. How is that delivery different from Palin? I said delivery, not viewpoint. ...and you have never made grammar mistakes? That's a pretty lame way to duck out of the "Darwinian evolved program" question you are apparently unable to answer....but a number that share your beliefs at PC do that often. Someone in the past day rekindled this thread and I was trying to hint if the other viewpoint continued, I'd weigh in.
Basically, every anti-religious argument can be boiled down to "Uh-uh!" Every pro-religious argument can be boiled down to "Uh-huh!" Now, repeat those to words over and over and you'll get the essence of every single religious debate.
Same response as for years at PC - when you guys can't reason well - give a blind eye to the OP points and attack. Somehow you think it brings credibility to the lurkers - go ahead.
My ex wife was so thick about certain things. It seemed she would just become deaf as I explained something to her. Her debate points would remain the same no matter how many times I gave her facts that would bust her points. I used to get furious at her because I just could not believe she was really dumb enough not to understand. I would explain it to her in 6 different ways for 6 hours at a time in a way most 10 year olds would grasp. I would try and try but got nowhere. I realized that the real problem was with me. After all, I couldnt comprehend it for her. Trying to get an adult to understand something they have no interest in understanding is a complete waste of time and effort. Faith is faith, it may or may not pan out. Facts are facts. Facts cant negate a persons true faith. Faith cant negate facts. There are only 2 camps here. Those that know they are right and those that know they could be wrong.
You have nailed years of religion threads at PC - they are not a genuine discussion, and involve some members displaying behavioral problems (NOT saying all that disagree with me have behavioral issues....I know some people I agree with that have issues) A number of militant atheists have made hostile posts (like #303) and whatever the motive it does not put them in a good light. My reason for responding is not to change their minds...I have a different audience - it's the bystanders. I want them to see their endless hostile posts, often personal, dodging/denying points at them while professing to be reasonable, then ask: "Do I want to be like them?"
I am very confused. Is it possible to have an adult conversation without resorting to your dammed if you don't beleive in J-C vs your a fool if you believe in religion. I'm all for discussing, not arguing or insulting others, over religious practices whether they worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Hashem. I like having enlightening conversations with my Pagan friends, atheist...
Ryanpl... no. Religion is hitting people where they live. Deeply. If someone "has religion" it is serving a critical need in their life, and anyone threatening that, even by disagreeing, is shaking their core. People have died over this. It's that critical to them. I've even run into this in the pagan and atheist circles I know. Always, regardless of what the belief system is, there will be those that have a deep identity issue that requires no questioning of their beliefs, even oblique "questioning" which is what they perceive other viewpoints as being. It's just too much of who they are. Just be kind, and move on. It's all one can do.
Rae Vynn, Thank you for your perspective. It's pretty obvious I have a set of beliefs, but was relatively quiet until a few weeks ago. It just got to the point the hostility by some led me to stand up. Instead of an attitude of "agree to disagree", some seems to have an "them or us" attitude....don't think it's been very useful. It would be one thing if I was trying to overtly convert people, but even identifying my beliefs has infuriated a few - and some of them complain about intolerance of their beliefs - hello? It should be obvious that when someone gets strident on this topic, things get unsettled...a few like myself break their silence. Allowing the possibility my beliefs might change, does anyone seriously think some of the threads here with some of the grade school playground fights is going to be that the thing that does it?
You have that question because you don't know enough about evolution and the properties of self-organizing systems. Taking a couple of college courses in biology (and also thermodynamics or even meteorology) would help. Don't feel bad: lots of smart engineers, especially EEs and computer engineers for some reason, have the same problem.