<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desynch @ Mar 16 2007, 11:05 AM) [snapback]406833[/snapback]</div> The term Chrisitanity has only been in existence since Christ "to my knowledge".. before that he was called the Messiah and also the Christ to come. But Jesus did not start something brand new.. he only cleared the air and fullfilled the law to make it complete.. something that had already been in existence since Moses. Jesus was the son of the person that wrote the Law "The Father". And before that the same God dealt with Abraham, Noah .. all the way back to Adam and Eve. They all foretold Jesus before he came and Jesus spoke of and confirmed the Father and those before him.. christianity involves the whole picture of creation of man to here.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 17 2007, 01:34 AM) [snapback]407237[/snapback]</div> So, how do you know this to be true? If you did not have the Bible, how would you know this to be true? Not meant to be a baiting question; it's an exercise one of my theology professors used to have. So, can you answer that?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Mar 17 2007, 01:16 AM) [snapback]407312[/snapback]</div> they obviously didn't have the Canon or all 66 books, since the times of the new testament we not yet... but Elijah for instance, writings of Isaiah, Genesis.... basically all the books have been around a long time and they all pointed to the messiah.... the whole bible testifys of Jesus. There is allot of unclear gaps in the writings of old... it would be very hard to take it all on faith alone if not for todays prophecies coming to pass and miracles and wonders confirming the word that is and was spoken. I don't really know nor have studied exact dates of when certain writings were "found".. but when they were found is not important but rather when they were written. When your hearing the words God is speaking to Abraham for instance and it speaks of a nation being formed and out of that nation would come a savior of the world etc.. That does indeed sound like an excellent study.... I wonder if anything is already on the internet? Here is a little bit I found on it... keep in mind when they are talking about "writing" the bible, they are pulling from historical documents that are often much older.... http://www.allabouttruth.org/when-was-the-...written-faq.htm http://www.allaboutcreation.org/when-was-g...written-faq.htm <div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE</div><div class=\'quotemain\'> The first five books of the Old Testament (known as the Pentateuch or Torah) was written by Moses during the forty years that the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness (1450 - 1410 B.C.). The twelve historical books of the Old Testament continue to record the history of the people of Israel under the leadership of Joshua, through the period of the Judges and the reign of the kings of Israel. The books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther record the history of Israel following its period of captivity under Babylonian rule. The historical books span the history of Israel from 1050 - 465 B.C. [/b][/quote] I have no idea what inpiration Moses got while spending time with God on the mountain. According to science... Noahs flood happened in 28000BC. So I don' t know if Moses truely wrote genesis or not and if so, was he imparted knowledge from God to know what happened?.. entirely possible...that still happens today!... its called the "word of knowledge" where God supernaturally imparts information to a person straight to thier spirit and the know things they were never taught. nevertheless, I know its debatable also as to the accuracy of carbon dating etc. too. Many believe each creative day could be about 2 - 2.5 billion years long which would substantiate the darwins theories to some degree.... if you follow the things that happened each day of creation, it does follow pretty close. So who know what all happened back them.. all I really know without faith is what has happened in my life today.
what if God is real,,,,, what if heaven is real.... what if hell is real...... are you atheists and agnostics prepared to face eternity? have you ever asked yourself, "am i willing to gamble with my eternal soul" eternity is forever...... if hell is as described in the bible, it should make you think long and hard about where you want to spend eternity.... then ask yourself, "what can i do to keep my soul out of hell" the answer is already listed above by fundamentalists (or Christians) you were smart enough to buy the best possible car available,,,,,why then are you not using that same brain and reasoning to think about your eternity...
The Feathered Serpent God is real. On the Day of Reckoning Quetzalcoatl will rip out and eat your beating heart for even asking, and for poor punctuation. Don't bother repenting, it's too late.
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.†Mahatma Gandhi
Wow, I am sorry I wasn't around for this thread. Just reading the last page of posts... well. Have a great Sunday everyone!
Gandhi was spot on in that most were not honestly practicing their faith....however, I do not discredit beyond the hypocrites.
No one really needs a fictional being, the only ones that need something are the ones that are scared and don't understand the reality of life. The only glory is the glory of planet earth, the one true creator of all life from the trash of the universe.
I thought there was a decision to drop this discussion. Do we really need to be digging up four year old threads and renewing the hostilities?
I guess it was informal. Did enjoy the past couple of weeks. Even on my prior post I attempted to be agreeable to an extent. I don't favor returning to what it was a couple of weeks ago.
Informal, yes, but no less honourable because of it. Although, I think it was mostly between you and I, so maybe expecting others to abide by our agreement isn't reasonable. Nor do I. But if the issue continues to be brought up, discussion is to be expected. Though your comments were fair, Chuck, if posts are as proselytising as Sunvia's and Spiderman's recent statements, that's the end of the ceasefire.
I only replied because it was fresh meat that posted. I know Spiderman et al will never convince me that Jesus is Lord, and I will never convince him of the truth, so I won't bother replying to folks I've replied to 100 times already.
I don't know Stevo, you are now capitalizing His name... what could be next? Say, what agreement you all talking about anyway. Ceasefire? WTH?
Things died down after Daniel chose to leave for an indefinite period. I predict he will eventually return and once again things will become adversarial.
Why would I not capitalize Jesus's name? Just like I'd capitalize Rush Limbaugh's, Hitler's, or Dubya's names. It's just proper English; that doesn't mean I have to agree with them. Same with Lord - it's a title, like Lord Ganesh. Doesn't mean I have to believe in him. Anyway, it's not so much a ceasefire as a "I'm tired of typing the same thing 100 times and not having it understood. Typing it 101 times isn't going to help." Remember the definition of insanity. If you want to keep going, by all means do so. But then, remember the definition of insanity...
Nearly 20 years ago, I was so frustrated with an co-worker that was worse than useless I distributed a prank memo for a roast dinner at work. It was viciously funny as many agreed with his incompetence, but it went beyond the department and I narrowly escaped getting fired...had we had email I would have been toast. I made a point of addressing him in lower case...since then I've avoided dissing anyone that way, even when in disagreement.
While we are on the subject... we watched a great [ame="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0325651/"]Jesus, Mary and Joey (2006) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYxMjc5MDA2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDI0MjA1MQ@@._V1._SX94_SY140_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTYxMjc5MDA2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDI0MjA1MQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX94@@AMEPARAM@@SY140[/ame] movie last night called "Jesus, Mary and Joey" (2006). A boy (Catholic) meets girl (evangelical Catholic) plot and how they recocile their differences. The boy gets it from all side (religious and non-religious beliefs) but in the ends finds the truth. Even a bow for the ladies. There was a bit too much sexuality in it for me but I am a bit of a prude. Checked it out from the library for "free". Have a great day!