It's OK to give advice, but it's best to give GOOD advice. The MSRP for a tech package FIVE (V) car is $34,500 or thereabouts. His quote is a good one for the part of the country he's in.
Not a bad deal. I just got a quote in the Seattle area for a 2011 Prius V with Nav and ATP for $31,996 + TTL which is slightly below Invoice. Waiting to hear from the other dealer before I decide which one to go with. Suppose to get that price quote tomorrow. Also check out New Cars Pricing and Comparisons Local, Regional and National Car Price Reports at TrueCar for what they consider a good deal in your area. The website will give you Dealer Cost, Factory Invoice, Average Paid and Sticker Price for the type / package you are looking for. Lots of useful information on the site when you are preparing to make an offer.
I paid MSRP for mine but really did not have a choice it was either take it or leave it. Dealer would not deal on the 2011 models only on the 10's and then not that much. Priuses are in high demand here in Hawaii. Mine is a V with the ATP. MSRP was 32,970.00 the only options it did not have were the LKA and the SOS Safety Connect. I feel that the ATP features are well worth the money paid for them. I hope I never have to use the PCS, but it is worth the piece of mind knowing its there. I use the DRCC daily and it is awesome. I have yet to use the APGS to actually park for real only to mesmerize my coworkers.
Yeah, I wish we could sell to Hawaii from CA. We used to be able to, and shipped a bunch of vehicles to Hawaii buyers once upon a time. Nowadays, shipping to Hawaii or Alaska is considered exporting!