As 100 million of us across 33 states are starting to get slammed with, or are about to, with the 'Blizzard of 2011', I thought I'd start a thread to allow to report our Blizzard stories, as related to the Prius. I personally will not be out tomorrow, as we are expecting up to 24 inches of snow is Chicago, and I know that I've been unable to move in 6-8 inches of snow. Also, this is a great place to post pictures of your Prius covered in snow up to the 'Solar Roof'... Stay warm, be safe, and share your story... (This is a picture I found when searching for 'Prius in a Blizzard', but it's not mine... Please post your pictures like this to share with all)...
Don't let the forum police catch you having two threads open with the same topic!!!! They're likely to "red-arrow" you!!!
Last Saturday, it was 76° F here in Oklahoma City. Today at 11am, it's 7° F (actual) with 50+ mph winds and 7 inches of snow and it's still coming down. Were in the middle of a full blown blizzard with whiteout conditions. We have lots of 5 to 6 foot deep drifts on the east/west streets. They're predicting 18 inches of snow for the Tulsa area. Around 10pm last night we had heavy thunder storms move across with heavy precipitation which fell as snow. It was 27°F at 10 pm last night and the temps have continued to drop until it bottoms out at -2°F on Thursday morning. There's no daytime warming at all. We will not be back above freezing until Saturday. I realize this is no big deal for many of you north of here but it's very unusual this far south. We got a record 14 inches of snow in 8 hours on Christmas Eve 2009. Some areas are surpassing that storm this time around. I'd take pics but you can't see more than 20 feet with the blizzard conditions. Update: wind is gusting to 58 mph and the National Weather service is calling it a 100 year storm and it's the second one in 2 years. The wind chills in northwest Oklahoma are hitting a record -38° F, the lowest recorded mesonet windchill ever recorded in Oklahoma since records were started in the 1800's.
Believe it or not we DID have pea sized hail mixed in with the snow when it first started. I thought it was sleet but the local weather guys said it was hail. Thunder, lightening, hail, and snow all at the same time. Welcome to Oklahoma. These same storms were kicking out tornadoes just South of here. You can't get bored around here.
We're expecting some of that US snow here in Nova Scotia tomorrow....yuck, you guys can keep your snow. It's supposed to be a big storm with up to 6 inches of snow, I'll have to get out the shovel, no school tomorrow I guess, but I'll watch for the Prii's in the is winter after all I guess. It is Prii's is it? lol
We'll try to keep some of it for you. We've not had any significant rain or moisture since last July so it's been very dry here until this morning. This storm is a fast mover. Twelve or fourteen hours and it's dumped and moved on.
The Ice Man Cometh.... But not on Prius!! She's safety tucked away in the garage for the next couple days.
Dallas is a big sheet of ice literally (inch thick on the roads) and yes I have been driving around which is probably not the smartest thing to do. But contrary to what some people claim my GenIII with traction control is doing great. I have even had to start from a stop sign on the ice going up a hill. As I started, the trac light would come on and just easying off the gas and up my car went while a pickup behind me gave up and went around another way.
In Missouri here, and everything seems to be shut down for the day. non-stop snowing/raining/sleet the entire day today...
Gassed up the Prius earlier, just in case. Still have to gas up the Odyssey and fill up the gas cans for the generator in the next couple hours. Made sure we have food. Prius is in the garage and since I work from home (IT) there is no need to drive in it so I most likely won't leave the house the next couple days. Forecast currently says 8-12 inches tonight, 4-6 tomorrow, and 1 more for good measure tomorrow night.
4pm and the snow has stopped in OKC. We still have a ground blizzard going on with the high winds. We have an official 12 inches and Tulsa area has from 17 to 21 inches. Interstate 40, Interstate 44, and Interstate 35 on OK were closed for a while and I understand I-70 in Missouri is closed. I'll start shoveling tomorrow but we don't have to drive anywhere so I'm not. Also +1 on the traction control doing great but it can't compete with 12 inches of snow and 5 inches of clearance. They're telling us we've set all kinds of snowfall rate and amount records (for us). Everyone be safe.
We are here in the DFW area and had ice everywhere. Car worked great everywhere we went no complaints at all. This evening went to pick up my children after work at my brothers apartment and when we went to leave both exits are on a pretty good hill, well we were not able to make it up either hill. The car would get close to the top and the minute the wheels would start to spin the active trac or whatever it is called would kick in and that is as far as we could go. Anyone have any suggestions for something like this?