Washington, D.C. – Smart has delivered its first Smart Fortwo Electric Drive to a retail customer in the United States. The first owner is Mindy Kimball of Silver Spring, Maryland. CanadianDriver » Green News » Smart delivers its first U.S. retail electric car
98miles! Very nice! Hopefully a lot of environmental advocates will get these cars and will use them to advertise, promote, and provide great public exposure with these vehicles.
A lot of the press refers to it as the Smart ED. I think Smart could've made a better choice of words...
Yea . . . the Leas does almost the same . . . . it seats more than TWICE as many people (5 people, in stead of just {no trunk and 2 people) ... and averages a range of 2 to 7 miles farther (but only 73 in 'power' mode, running Heater, AC etc) than the roller skate ... not that that there's anything wrong with that (as Seinfeld would say).
smaller, slower, etc... is this another Prius/Insight scenario where "someone" thinks a very small price drop will attract people in droves? sorry, but either a 25% cut in price or a 50% increase in range is the only way any significant # of consumers will go for this "commute only" vehicle.
It looks to me that the Smart EV may be 30% more efficient than the Leaf? The leaf can go 100 miles on about 24 kwh, the article said the Smart can go 98 miles on 16.5 kwh. With the off peak rates available where I live, I could drive the Smart 439 miles for the same cost as one gallon of fuel.
Don't know if that 98 mile figure is adjusted or not. Taken from Fit EV site - "The Fit EV will achieve an estimated 100 miles driving range per charge using the US EPA LA4 City cycle (70 miles when applying EPA's adjustment factor)"