Hi Guys. Just joined up, hopeing to pick up an 07 Prius shortley, I was reading on here yesterday or the day before about a product that you guys seemed to like some padding to put in the cup holder and all the cubby holes in the car, I was a bit under the weather and really did not take a lot of notice and it did not sink in, can someone please give me a lead to it, I seem to remember ther were a lot of posts about the product. I will be back again Thank You MGnut Colin
OK, a hop on he M3 southwest of London, I see where you are at. Welcome to the group! I believe you are talking about a stickey backed foam that will insert into the cup holder to grab your drink. It can be found on his side of the pond in Crafts stores as a sheet of material, You just grab a pair of scissors and cut to fit. I imagine you can find it in you local crafts shops also. Grumpie Cabbie is from Harrogate, England, up north of you, he always has some interesting posts! Check in often, welcome to the group!!
Hi Can you give me the name of the company, as I said I saw it on this forum a couple of days ok, but now cannot find it. Thanks MGnut