wel maybe for US mpg not for EU Liters per 100km 40mpg =5,9 = 1L on 17km ( nothing more then a dirty "clean"diesel ) 50mpg = 4,7 = 1L on 21km ( what i do with my gen 2 prius ) 60mpg = 3,9 = 1L on 25km ( already a figure for the gen 3 EU prius ) so i really need to see some where around 78mpg = a 3 liter car per 100km = 1L on 33km for the prius C for toyota to really make a statement just what the prius gen 2 did. ( gen1 was not that well know it took years to become know and then the gen 2 came )
The C would fit me perfectly. It's a hatch back and small! I drive 2.5 miles to work, 1 mile round trip to get my kids from school to after school (trade on and off with my wife) then 3.5 miles home (go the highway). Thats 80% of my driving. My company leases my vehicles for me so I get what I want. I'm keeping an eye on the Volt, Leaf and Prius PHEV as well. I have 2.5 years left and can't wait to see what the future holds! In the summer I drive my Trans Am 95% of the time so my daily car just sits.
Why on this forum there is not a section for the Prius C... I think it is official the arrival at early 2012.
Yeah, I like the windows in it too, I just hope it looks this cool when it goes to market! Effingham is a pretty nice town, I live 11 miles out in a small town of 250 people called Montrose.
For sure! I'm really excited for this car, though I hope the production model looks this cool...seeing how it's still in it's concept phase.
Oh, I know! It made me so mad when I seen the production model of the third generation Prius too! Please excuse my rant, but the reason why the Prius was so successful was because a: The mileage, b: It's different. With the third generation, it's too much like a normal car to me. We have all been driving the same normal feeling cars forever now, I went back to a second generation Prius because I liked how different it felt to any other car, but that's me. The Prius is supposed to be an icon, it's the car that changed everyone's mind on how we can get around, it popularized the idea for cars to run on clean, renewable energy! I don't know about you, but I like, and want a car that stands out and is different than everyone elses car, and IMO, that's what made the Prius special to everyone, because it was different.
Re: I like it!! Nuh-uh! Find me ten soccer moms that would buy the v over anything else in the same price range. It's so station-wagony. <---well, it's not quite "that" bad but you KWIM.
Tell me about it, I'm excited to hear about the electric capabilitys, specifications, mileage, and options. I REALLY really hope it looks this cool.
Re: I like it!! LOL, Station-Wagony. That should be a trademark. Though, I did go to the Detroit Auto Show and it did look a lot better in person than on a computer screen. Here's some pictures I took of it with my iPhone. Notice the rear seat has a handle, it looks as is you can either recline or take the seats out!
It reminds me of the Volvo C30...I vaguely remember something about Volvo making that model into an electric.
They did! Check out my new thread I posed in Fred's House Of Pancakes and it was at the Detroit Auto Show, it was a crash tested Volvo C30 Electric, they were talking about how safe the passengers were from the battery when it was crashing and wat not.