FYI, A 60 years old Japanese comedian, Kanpei Hazama, left Osaka(Japan) on December 17th 2008 for running and sailing around the world challenge, 23,000 miles in two years. KANPEI EARTH Marathon -run and sail around the world- Toyota Prius is used for the support vehicle to take video every 100km points. PRIUS EYES - KANPEI EARTH Marathon Please join and support his great challenge. KANPEI EARTH Marathon Supporters Club - Join Hazama Kanpei as he runs and sails non-stop around the world! Ken@Japan
follow-up... Kanpei Hazama finished his earth marathon, 767 days 41040km. KANPEI EARTH Marathon Supporters Club - Join Hazama Kanpei as he runs and sails non-stop around the world! Ken@Japan
check it out . . . at 1:34 you can hear Kanpei-san speak in English, about his goal . . . and I have to agree! but . . . . the part about the Prius that DOES make it a bit more normal