I agree that the rear window design makes them look closer. But I still got rear-ended ... Luckily the driver had insurance, the damage was minor, and I now drive a brand new bumper attached to a three month old car.
I addressed something that's similar to what you guys are talking about in my post earlier. Some people are nice person holes, some people hate the prius, some people are both. =P
If some dufus is tailgating me, I slow down even more. But I also make sure I'm not holding up traffic, even if it means going faster than the speed limit, if everyone else is going faster, then I just go with the flow and keep from blocking people. That frustrates me too, when people are wolf packing, all going the same speed but with no room for people to pass. Its just common courtesy.
I got tailgated ALL the time driving my last car, a Saab 900 SE Turbo and the one before that too (a black Honda Civic Si hatchback). People who tailgate don't just target one type of car! They tailgate, period! And, if you think it's really the fact that you drive a Prius here's a solution: take off the Prius and Hybrid badging and just leave the Toyota symbol at the rear. They won't know what car it is you're driving (generic Toyota hatchback). I bet they'll still tailgate because they are not really paying attention to your car's model.
What's even worse is when the cops tailgate you. Today I was tailgated by a Sheriff's SUV. The young deputy was not just tailgating me, he was weaving in and out of traffic, without warning lights on, tailgating EVERYONE. When I saw him turn off, I noticed that he was on his way back to the Sheriff's office. I looked at the time, and also noticed that it was the end of his shift. Perhaps a dash cam is in order. I can record it, send a copy to his boss, and post it on You Tube. I know the Sheriff here, we're good friends, and he would at least give the kid an earful.
Maybe some tailgaters are just trying to draft behind the Prius! Or trying to pick up some Pulse & Glide pointers?
I have this problem on a daily bases but with one exception as I am a bigger guy! I see them huffing and puffing through the rear view mirror and whipping up along the side of the car all irate, That is until I look over at them 90% of the time they whip there head forward and shut there mouth and drive off without a peep or looking over at me!
Last week on the way to lunch with my 90-year old grandma, we were being tailgated by another silver 2010+ Prius. So, tailgaters are pretty much everywhere regardless what car you are driving. If you are being "slower" than whatever it is behind you, there is a big chance to be tailgated even by the same kind.
I heard about somebody installing blinder lights in the rear window of their car they could flash whenever there was tailgator. Of course it's illegal and dangerous, but it would definitely teach a belligerent tailgator. Or more likely it might trigger more road rage or an accident. Not a good idea.
http://priuschat.com/forums/priuschat-website-questions/98155-suggestion-statute-limitations.html See??? Some threads never go out of style!!!
There is definitely some Prius hate in my neck of the woods. I have been driving for 25 years and have not seen this level of hatred for any other car I have driven. In just two weeks of ownership I had someone floor their Tundra to the point where he was spinning his tires from a stopped position to a traffic signal, also red. I got out of my car and cussed him out and asked him to get out of his truck so I could kick his nice person, but the big wimp stayed in. I guess most people don't expect a former offensive and defensive lineman to be driving a Prius. The 2nd person sped up to pass me and cut me off, I was in the right lane, he then slowed down below the speed limit. When 2 lanes went to 3 I passed him and he gave me the finger. I then pulled into his lane giving him the choice to brake or hit me, he chose to hit the brakes. He pulled off and I followed him home. I now know where he lives and I have no plates on my new car. I am just trying to figure out what I will do to this low life, probably just a bag of dog feces on the windshield for now. I am enjoying this, I love pissing people off for no rational reason.
all you said is exactly what you DON'T wanna do. like everyone else said before, just chill out and either let him pass or let him keep tailgating you. really dumb move from you to get out of the car and confront him, what if he would have had a gun, really ? is it worth your life ? I suggest you wipe his address off of your mental memory and just go on with your life and avoid escalating anything further. but then again, its your life, so do whatever you wish.
Relax there Seattle....this kid is a troll. Probably some 15-year-old. Although the Prius community does have their share of drivers with chips on their shoulders, this kid isn't one of them.
The clearly illegal version is people putting white headlights facing the vehicle behind. Full brightness when someone is night vision impaired is an issue of safety. But how about if we use the same setup but in the place of bright white lights we use dimmer red lights (like normal brake lights). I'd love to be able to push a button on my steering wheel that I never use to activate the brake lights without having to actually take my foot off the gas. It'd probably be more work than adjusting the brake pedal as seen in this thread http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...red-out-why-i-m-being-tailgated-so-often.html But it'd have the bonus of being able to stay in a proper glide or even light pulse while still showing the brake lights letting someone know they might as well pass you in that empty lane they keep ignoring.
I get tailgated all the time and i drive the speed limit or just above a couple mph. Speed cameras would make a fortune for cash strapped cities and states. I know why people do this to us Prii owners. The idiots think if they get close enough to a prius the mpg gods will give them some of our mojo and high mpgs.