Hi All !! Just bought a 2010 Winter Gray Prius II. So far I'm outrageously pleased. My first 80 miles used 1.7 gallons for 47.2 MPG (computer said 47.9). I picked it up from the dealer, and couldn't wait to check the mileage ... LOL. I then drove it on it's first highway trip and drive 220 miles and used 4.4 gallons for an even 50.0 MPG (computer said 52.4). My current tank is hovering at 47.9 MPG by the computer, but that was with a totally full car ... 4 people, 2 dogs, and a hatch area full of luggage. The car rides solidly, handles better than I would have ever imagined, and I love the tech gadgets that the car has. I must admit, I was expecting FAR less mileage to start off. From what I've read here the car won't be totally broken in for 8-10K miles and the winter really kills the MPG's. The car is brand new ... 40 miles, and the temperature is in the teens here. When the car was delivered it had 30 PSI in all 4 tires. I immediately set them at 42 front and 40 rear. It doesn't seem to have affected the ride greatly. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi and let you know that I'm looking forward to participating here. This car so far has exceeded my wildest dreams in terms of fuel economy, which is the primary reason that I bought it. Take it easy. REV
Sounds like your happy! Best car out there for the money. When gas is 5 bucks a gallon you will really be happy!!
Thanks !! Any idea how I'm getting such incredible mileage when it seems like so many others are struggling to get 40 ? To be honest, with a new car in the winter I was expecting 35-40 MPG. I HAVE done a lot of research, lurking here, and studying as much as possible on how to maximize mileage, but it kind of blew me away that I'm getting those numbers right out of the box. REV
Welcome! Before getting too excited, wait till you have gone through a tank or two to see what your average really it. It sounds like it will be @ the EPA though.
The 50.0 MPG was a highway trip at about 70 MPH. Most of my other driving I would call 'rural' 45-50 MPH back roads, and because I'm rural, there's not many 'short' trips that I make. So far I really like the Winter Gray ... I originally had Barcelona Red picked out because that was what color my RAV4 was, and I liked it, but my daughter convinced me that the Winter Gray was a better color for a Prius. I just wish the metal flakes were larger. PS ... Does anybody here know how to 'quote' a previous post ? I click on the 'multi-quote' button at the bottom by the reply and thanks buttons, and nothing happens .... REV
Welcome. Great choice in color To quote a previous post, select the Reply button inside the post, bottom right corner, not the one at the top of the page. I drive a lot of highway mileage and average 48 mpg over 18 months, so right about where you are. I get over 50 mpg in spring and fall and around 45 mpg in the cold of winter.
:welcome: I am also doing a bunch of local trips with the ocassional highway..and averaging 45-50 MPG..I am satisfied my last car (acura suv) was doing 15 mpg..
Congrats!! To quote one post, just click on the pencil (and it'll get you to the bottom of the page with the quick reply box. Check the box that says "quote message in reply". Another option is to click the REPLY box on the post you wish to reply to. If you want to quote multiple posts, click the multi-quote button between the REPLY and the pencil. Once you've "checked off" all the posts you wish to quote, go to the bottom of the page and click REPLY at the bottom left hand side of the page.
Congrats! I'm one of the noobs only getting 38 mpg on average. And that's up from 34 mpg average when I finally pumped some air in the tires to get them up to 41/40. And it's just me driving with no passengers and no cargo! I mostly drive short trips of less than 10 mi, so I knew going in that my mileage wouldn't be great. Having been a member of this board for almost 3 years now I at least had done my homework and understood my own driving constraints. And...of course it's winter. 25 degrees here today. I do maybe one longer trip (over 150 mi ea way) a few times a year. My office is 6 mi from my home. Sounds like you'll easily beat the EPA estimates. I hope to reach those estimates some time. Maybe in the spring/summer I will.
Welcome and Aloha RevHigh, I am pretty new myself and I love my car. I have had it now for three weeks 1300+ miles so far. I am on my 3rd tank of fuel and I got 57.1/54.12 for the first and 55.4/53.31 on the second MID numbers are first. Thats with E10 fuel also I may try and go to the boat harbor and get some non-ethanol fuel, and see if it gets better. I was going to buy a Winter Grey but I ended up getting a Blizzard Pearl. You made a wise choice with the Prius regardless of color.
Thanks All, Having my Scan guage II hooked up is like having an eye to the inside workings of the Prius. I can see how it reacts at various coolant temperatures, how the climate control reacts, and exactly how and when the ICE actually turns off. It's interesting to see it turn completely OFF when you're coasting and hit the magic number right around 41 MPH on the way down. OR, when you're coasting down a hill and the ICE is OFF, but then you pass 41-42 MPH and it turns ON to keep the electric motor from over-revving. If you want to REALLY see inside the workings of your Prius, I highly recommend spending the $150 on a scanguage ... it's really fun when used in conjunction with your normal Prius guages. REV