How true is this? Can the motor handle an incline? Wet roads? Etc? THE BIG LIE by John on 09/05/2009 Overall 1 stars Appearance 1 stars Comfort 1 stars Performance 1 stars Value 1 stars Reliability 1 stars ProsGas milage PERIOD!!!!!!ConsRead Below!! Purchased As New Toyota Prius is THE BIG LIE. Sure it gets great milage and has that "green look to it, but thats where the good stuff ends. Wait till it snows a bit one day or the road gets a bit slick... good night!!! It will not kick into gas mode and the car won't take an incline of 2 degrees. After being stuck in my daughters driveway about 4 times and down mildly inclined side streets on several occaisions, I decided to give the Prius its walking papers. Oh and here is the good part. When I went to trdae it in for a real car, the Audi A 4, what 8 months and 12Kmiles ago was a $25,000 car, with no scratches, dents and being well maintained NOW HAD A BOOK VALUE FOR A MERE $15,900. I guess it did not maintain its value at all. So don't be fooled by the big lie, but don't believe me, take one out for a test drive in a mild snow storm and see where it gets
Linkbait? It is partially true if you have inappropriate tires. Same for any car really. Buy the appropriate tires and you will be fine. No brainer there.
I'm guessing they don't sell any Prius in the Canada or the cold States of the US. Oh they do? Perhaps they use suitable tires? What would someone from Florida know about this? They're a troll? No, I'd never have guessed.
More then likely written by a Honda salesman while he's waiting for customers. I'm betting that he does not even know what a 1 degree incline is.!!!
I refuted that guy on Yahoo, I believe his comments were removed. He must have posted in other places. He probably drives a big SUV or works for a competing car company. It's bull, period.
It makes it up and down the 6% to 7% grades of I-70 at 80mph when clear, and it makes it up and down when it is a white out blizzard. I would call that a success...
Oh great suggestion take it out in a snow storm. Had a nice snow storm here in Texas a 8 days ago and then ice etc for 5 days and I have to drive up and down an incline every day to get home so I thought I would do your little test. Heh guess what the Prius was perfect and drove like a chap and in fact it bested my wife's Mercedes on the slick roads. Did I mention the Prius still has the crappy stock tires on too. Sorry you are now officially dispproved so I guess you sold your Prius a little too soon. Or perhaps you never really owned one
The OEM tires are not good in winter. That's it. Get winter tires and the issue's apparently resolved.
I wouldn't pay a whole lot of attention to one-off user reviews posted in yahoo/ I'd rely on the expert reviews and real reviews given by folks here who drive in all kinds of weather.