Hi all, A friend came to today with his 07 prius with smart key system, his car has a weird problem, the car unlock and lock using the smart key when touching the door handle and pressing the button on handle, but don't start without inserting the fob on the dash, the car can detect that the key is inside or outside the car, when removing the key while car is working the yellow key icon appear, i used techstream to test the internal receivers all worked, i programmed another key to him and both keys has the same problem,,,, the sks cancel button is not pressed any thoughts guys???????
sounds like your keys are not programed corectly. i dont know how techstream does it,but normaly you need to program immobiliser and wireless code registeration in two parts.
the programming is ok, both parts are done successfully,the car can detect a correct key but wont start!!!
Abus3ood, just to recap, you have smart entry,lock/unlock with buttons on fob and the vehicle will start with fob in slot.but no smart start.correct? i looked up some old DPR notes from my time at the dealership, i had a vehicle with the same fault. what i did was: apply Intellergent tester 2 to the vehicle and retry program fobs. when that didnt work, i reset the scan tool and set the vehicle profile as non smart key, did immobileser registeration.this allowed full function of the fob.i dont know if you can do that with techstream,but worth a try
Thanks Drew, the case is as u described, the guy came with one key, i did smart key reset and add the keys from beginning and the problem was the same on both, i can set the vehicle as non-smart on techstream, i'll try it and let you know, but someone told me that the SKS system connect with the key slot ecu when you try to start the car via smart-start to ensure the key is registered, and this ecu or some of it need to be replaced.
Again, Thanks Drew, The guy went to the dealership, the tech spent 30 minutes trying, at last he did the manual procedure to register NON-SMART KEY and then the car worked well on both keys(he had only one and then the spare one at home worked also :-S same as Drew advised.
The smart key function and the RFID in-slot function are essentially two separate keys packaged together. The non-smart fobs only have the RFID portion. While unusual, it's perfectly possible to have the smart entry function working but not the RFID to enable the immobilizer when the fob is inserted into the slot. Tom
you would be supprised how often it happens at local dealer down the street from my shop,keep us busy though. dont even get me started on there pre delivery department fitters lol