I don't know about the Prius V, however, the Prius C looks pretty cool to me. Toyota says that it will get the best mileage of any hybrid out there. It's something I might consider. What are your thoughts? I, myself am interested in what the specs will be. I wonder...
Very cool looking. Th seats kind of remind me of the first Honda Insight seats - comfortable, but no bulk. The steering wheel switches at "10 and 2" are interesting as well. PS I'm a big fan and attendee of VetteFest at MAMW in Effingham. Nice town!
Those pictures are concept drawings unless I am sorely mistaken. The interior is going to change back to standard stuff. If Toyota improves the poor 45 degree view through the A pillar like in the Prius I'll be happy. The interior has beautiful minimalist lines, but it also kind of says "cheap plastic that is going to look like crap in short order, squeak and be uncomfortable." Toyota should learn from the lessons Apple Inc learned. My favorite car remains my old '94 Honda Civic hatch, and this 'c' from the side view invoked nostalgia. Other comments ? I like the grill, and I really like the headlights mounted out of the way of fender benders. That just seems like an idea we should have adopted a long time ago. Certain angles remind me of VW bettle ishness, and I cannot make up my mind if I like that aesthetic. It will probably take seeing the car in person. I normally avoid trying to paint sexuality traits into cars, but this car's front views and beetle character seem like it will destined to be derided as a chick car. In fact I will not be surprised if it becomes a target of redneck rage. Europeans may flock to the design. The wheels are moved way out to the corners of the car. This seems to be a trend both for driving dynamics and looks. I like it, although I do not know what the trade-offs are. The wheels look spectacular. This from a guy who usually shrugs when people wax and wane about wheels. My sensibilities have always been attracted to smaller cars, and the 'c' jumps onto my short list for that reason alone. Slightly bigger than a Yaris and smaller than a Prius sounds perfect. A PV setup and this car in *EV config could be my dream car.
that is a sharp looking car. i think it would be perfect for you tpc. a little small for me as i do a lot of hauling. i love the idea of better mpg's tho, i'll definately take it for a test drive!
The side view is hot. But yes, it has to be toned down for mass consumption. I'd like to see headlights back in conventional positions. As long as they have the courage to take a few risks and inject some style into their lineup, Toyota has a hit!
If it looked like that at production I would buy one, But we all know it will not. How come concept cars always look awesome and then when they hit production they look blahhhh
I think i will be skipping the C as it might be a bit too small for me. I will be buying my prius in a few months and will get a prius V with no nav for hopefully 1500 under invoice . I Found a friend on the forums that got a good deal and told me which dealer to go to. So i plan on getting that prius and dirving it for a year and a half and selling it to get the PHEV depending on the price and spec of the Prius PHEV. The C is just a bit too small for me
The Prius V would make a great family car, the "C " is something I would definitely buy if I was in the market for another car...I am very pleased with my 2010 - IV.
The C would make the best car for going to work if you had no mass transit in your neighborhood. You could still drop the kids @ daycare if had to. You could easily fit into a parking spot. I know alot of people who drive a Corolla or Yaris to work and @ a competitive price the C would move these people into the hybrid world.
It looks like the C will definitely be in the running when the lease on my 2010 Honda Insight ends, if its still in production in 2013. I'll also be looking hard at the plug-ins.
I like it!! Yeah the the v is definitely grannys car!! Soccer moms will like it too!! The C looks like the ride for me,Can't wait to see it and drive it.
my 2010 Prius lease will be up in 2013, the C might be the next car. I have a feeling gas will not be any lower than what we have now ($3.00 US) if not higher.
It could work, I'd like to see numbers first. if they can drag 60 mpg out of a 4 seater hybrid that would be epic.
If the production version looks fairly close to that, it would be awesome! It'll help inject some style into the otherwise bland Toyota line up. It could be to Toyota what the MINI brand is to BMW - a small, stylish, sporty-ish car for young professionals
I'm psyched. Toyota has already said they project it to have the highest MPG's of any gas/electric hybrid. That's a big win for me. If it can meet my minimum for utility? Then it could be the Hybrid of the future....for me.... With the Prius \/ Toyota is really gambling on a large audience looking for a larger Prius.... Hmm...I'll wait and see, but I've never heard a lot of backlash from people who said they didn't purchase a Prius just because it was too small to meet their needs....I assume some exist, but overall, I have heard more about how GOOD the standard Prius is as far as hauling and utility than I have heard dissapointment that it isn't bigger. Also it competes in a very competitive market. It's a noble gamble...but at 40mpg? I could be wrong, but I don't see a guaranteed homerun. I really want to see one in person. A lot could depend on how big, big translates into...You can "say" 50% more cargo capacity...but until I see how that visibly and tangibly differs???? Is that worth a Prius in the 40's??????
well i opent this topic a time ago http://priuschat.com/forums/toyota-hybrids/88676-i-like-dont-like-about-prius-c.html