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Small rant

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Nersciple, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    With my many hours of research I still can't understand the many different view points of the Prius. To the people that give me strange looks when I talk about wanting to own a Prius to the flat out ignorant views expressed by people reviewing the car who already had their mind made up before stepping into the vehicle. I've watched a video from a company that is known for its sports car enthusiasts that reviewed the Prius, which to me didn't make sense. He spoke shortly over how great the fuel economy is but then started bashing the car for its looks, handling, having buttons that don't do anything, and the on board screen that gives little to no useful information. My biggest complaint over this is the on board screen, how can anyone say it doesn't give useful information when it gives the read out of your average MPG...that to me is extremely useful. He spoke of how great it is for teaching the driver how to get the best MPG, but then goes into complaining that Toyota didn't make it look like a sports car. I don't think a lot of people who buy Prius cars are really buying them for their looks, I mean don't get me wrong I don't mind the way it looks but I want one for fuel economy.

    Why can't people be unbiased? I know a review is nothing more than a personal opinion these days but that isn't what they're meant for. A review is a look at a product for other people to decide whether that product is right for them. I don't need to know that a fuel economy car isn't all its cracked up to be just because it can't hit 0-60 in less than a second.

    Sorry for this small rant but I am getting so irritated at looking up information and coming to these websites with false claims at why the Toyota Prius or any other hybrid vehicle isn't a car to own. I think I may just stick with this site, as I've seen nothing but useful information with so many people that are extremely knowledgeable and willing to share it.
  2. JimboPalmer

    JimboPalmer Tsar of all the Rushers

    Apr 14, 2009
    Greenwood MS USA
    2012 Prius v wagon
    We each carry the 'baggage' of our previous experience. (My major bias againist the Volt is every previous GM vehicle I ever drove, not the car itself) Some folks will judge the Prius by what it is, some will judge it for what it is not and some will judge it for what they wanted.

    If they had no desire to conserve, (less pollution, better mileage, cheaper operation) then the Prius is much less compelling to them. (automotive reviewers rarely pay to operate what they review)

    Without a scangauge, you are limited to information Toyota thought you would want to know, for gearheads bound to tradition, those are not the gauges of their youth. (3/4 of my selected gauges are 'traditional': RPM, water temp, voltage)

    Priuschat is also biased. (This week you can hear the gnashing of teeth over the Prius v. There is serious range anxiety here about the Leaf, by folks who apparently have never tracked their daily driving distance) You need to assess my objectivity just as much as the objectivity of your other sources, as we all have biases.
  3. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Yes, we all can be biased from time to time but when you are being paid to review something, so that others can have a better understanding of said product, then you need to take your biased outlook out of the equation. If the car in question honestly had major faults then fine, but when I hear the reviewer blame their slipper palms from sliding off the steering wheel on the steering wheel then maybe its time they look into another job, because they are not qualified to give an unbiased review.

    Everything in this world has faults, I'm not saying the Prius doesn't. But when I look around on the Internet, to try and find useful information, and I hit up several sites that bash the car for no real reason, besides it being a hybrid then my irritation level starts to rise. If I hadn't have found this site, then I might have believed half the crap I saw from some of these sites.

    This, along with my last post was just a little rant that I needed to do, to let off steam. The last review I watched had the person review a Prius as if it were supposed to be a sports car, while I and everyone under the sun knows that its not. I just get frustrated to know that those sites exist, and I'm sure a lot of people take the information as truth, with a lot of those people honestly looking into buying a hybrid.
  4. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I think I went through the phase you are experiencing now. But I have kind of moved on from it...

    Sometimes if you are a fan of Prius it can be frustrating. I have good friends that I have known for decades that when I told of my desire or investigation of Prius, came back with almost venemous fallacies and misunderstandings. In one case, when I calmly exposed every supposed thing my friend thought he knew about Prius and what was "wrong" about owning a hybrid, his final response was a hurried and put off, well "Someday Hybrids might be good, but he just didn't feel they were ready today". I didn't further debate it with him, asking how he came to this conclusion given he had never owned or even driven a Prius.

    In many ways, in some crowds I've just given up. Prius is Iconic, and Toyota has had great success.

    Given it's mechanical, technological realities, tied also to the varied stereotypes and imagery attached to Prius, I think what it comes down to basicly is some people are just afraid of change.

    Prius or otherwise, to embrace something new or different, you have to be willing to embrace something new or different. Sometimes the addition of a battery, and a Hybrid Synergy Drive is too much for some people to grasp.

    In anycase, I agree, some reviews from some automotive "traditionalists" are IMO ridiculous. But we cannot force the tempo of change.

    I know many of my friends who are currently driving large SUV's and almost ridiculously powered trucks will complain like the world has ended when gas inevitably breaks that $4.00 a gallon barrier. I will resist the temptation to ask those that were most venemous against Prius if that too expensive, not ready for prime time vehicle is looking like a better bargain and far more acceptable.

    Unfortunately change sometimes has to manifest from "pain". And one thing most people who own cars and trucks like more than even an overpowered engine, or a sports car like drive...is driving PERIOD. When the bank account starts to be a significant barometer of available accelerator play, I expect many of the criticisms of Prius will vanish like the ghosts they really are.
    1 person likes this.
  5. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    Reviews are simply opinions, whether they be based on reality or not, and we all have opinions.

    From a safety perspective I personally prefer a vehicle with decent horsepower that is rear wheel drive. However I grew up driving construction equipment in all kinds of weather and have spent a considerable amount of time competing at race tracks. I am very glad the average driver today has front wheel drive and computer assisted "everything" to assist them with safe driving.

    The Prius to me is a marvel of technology and I am a geek by trade, having designed and implemented data networks for 25 years.

    In my "opinion" the Prius is a well made vehicle that is economical without being "cheap". For pure price point a Yaris might return a better ROI, but I prefer the comfort of the Prius, the technology, and a longer wheelbase for daily work. I like to conserve fuel in my daily endeavors so I can better afford race gas on the weekends (and racing is where a lot of green automotive technology is initially developed).

    Attitudes are just reflections of an individuals perception. I have tacky little chrome skulls for valve covers, and eight ball for a shifter, and an NHRA (National Hot Road Association) on my Prius. I think it is just my way of not wanting to grow up and letting folks know that many types of people could benefit from driving a Prius if they would take the time to try one.

    Bear in mind that as a teenager in the 1970s I had a rather wide open view of many aspects of life as well so I greatly enjoy trying new things and the Prius, in my opinion, is an enjoyable ride.
  6. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Perhaps they aren't being paid for an unbiased review. In today's world, much of what passes for news reporting and reviews is really opinion editorial, which is tuned and spun for the audience. If you want a conservative world view, you watch Fox News. If you like sports cars and power, you watch Top Gear. If you like the Prius, you come to PC. It's unusual to find anything close to unbiased these days.

  7. terry2336

    terry2336 Junior Member

    Sep 3, 2009
    2005 Prius
    I know what you mean about automotive reviewers who you would think were unbiased and professional. Our local paper carries a car review every weekend by a supposed expert who is horribly biased towards large size and excessive horsepower.
    He recently wrote a review about another small car that didn't match the Prius's mpg. He said he liked it "Although it doesn't get the mpg of the Prius, it doesn't have the ugly eco-toad looks or the expensive maintenance and battery problems."
    This is accurate and unbiased?
  8. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    And that's the problem I'm having. To see these reviews, whether being paid to say certain things or just flat out having a negative attitude towards it, to me is unacceptable. Reviewers are supposed to have something I like to call professionalism. For instance, the myth of Toyota nickel batteries, some news sources didn't check for accuracy and just went with it, reporting what they heard instead of doing a little research. And no, I didn't make this post because I'm a Prius fanboy and don't like hearing all the bad things that are spoken about the Prius, I'm just having problems with all the false statements, inaccurate information and the flat out child like behavior I see from all these individuals who are "respected".

    Through my research and learning sessions, I have heard in no particular order:
    1. Prius can't handle snow, ice, mud, or any other road hazard.
    2. Prius doesn't get good MPG within the city.
    3. If your palms become sweaty then they will slip from the cheap steering wheel.
    4. The battery will only last 60,000 miles and will cost several thousand to get replaced.
    5. The car is so uncomfortable that it could lead to back problems.
    6. The Prius could accelerate randomly, leaving the driver stuck in an out of control vehicle.
    7. That in order to replace the front head lights, you need to remove the front bumper.
    8. The dash screen gives no useful information.
    9. That if you were ever in an automobile accident the emergency crew wouldn't be able to save you.
    10. The Prius is more harmful to the environment.

    Not everything I've read or heard from people, but you get the idea. If the people talking about the Prius just didn't like it cause it isn't their cup of tea then I could understand it, but when you talk negative about a car because it doesn't look like a Lamborghini, that to me just doesn't make sense.

    I think a system needs to be set up so that if your company reports false claims from their own stupidity then they should be held accountable...something I think would dramatically effect bribes and other such actions, if that is what's going on. Personal opinion is one thing but being paid to evaluate a product and bending your findings to either better suit someone else or just being biased because you can't open your mind to something new, then you need to leave the job of reviewing to someone else.

    Most people don't know a lot about the Prius, and they rely heavily on the Internet and friends and family. Thankfully I have a friend and a family member who own a Prius, and they speak highly of how great it is, one being a car enthusiast. I just hate to think that some of these false statements could be turning people away, not because I want to see everyone buy a hybrid but the sheer fact that what they are reading is false information brought on by ignorance and stupidity.
  9. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I guess I was lucky. In November of 2003 the reviews I read about the 2004 Prius were very positive. Once I had mine (January, 2004) I quit reading reviews.

    The trick to product reviews is to find a source that shares your outlook. And to read both professional technical reviews and owner reviews, understanding that the latter are not likely to provide reliable technical information, but rather real-world experience, while the former can give such things as test results.

    The Prius stirs up a lot of emotion because it is so different. I've never encountered the anger I read about here, though. In the early days I got a lot of honest questions, and now it just goes unnoticed. Cars are many things to many people. For some they are transportation, and they just want economy and reliability; for some they are works of art, and they want looks above all else; for some they are expressions of power, for them a car that lacks serious muscle is pathetic; for some, they are a necessary evil, and they want a low carbon footprint; for some they are toys, and they want features, gadgets, and nimble handling. Then there are the "economic patriots" who walk the aisles of Walmart cursing people who buy Japanese cars.

    People who denigrate the Prius for having insufficient power or poor styling, when Toyota intentionally put power and styling below pollution rating and efficiency, clearly have other issues with the car: strong emotional issues that will not fall to logic or common sense.

    Welcome to Prius Chat, Spiritgod. You'll find everything you want to know about the car here, both good and bad, though some of the bad is hard to admit. The depth of technical knowledge here is amazing.

    I know nothing about the 2010 or 2011 Prius. I rode in a 2010 once. Never drove it. But for reliable, economic transportation, based on my experience with my 2004, the Prius is the best gasoline-powered car you can buy. (Though my Zap Xebra is a lot more fun to drive and never uses gas!)
    1 person likes this.
  10. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    "Welcome to Prius Chat, Spiritgod. You'll find everything you want to know about the car here, both good and bad, though some of the bad is hard to admit. The depth of technical knowledge here is amazing."

    Thanks Daniel. And I don't mind hearing the bad, as long as it's the truth. My first concern about owning a Prius was the battery, and if I hadn't had kept doing research then me and you wouldn't be typing on this forum right now. And you're right, this site is amazing with so many knowledgeable people willing to share that knowledge with the masses.

    Hopefully when my time comes to own a Prius, I can be that person who answers questions, to give my 100% non biased opinion to the people who need advice.
  11. tf4624

    tf4624 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    2008 Prius
    As long as they the power to make decisions.. people have a right so speak what they like.. but then again people who listen or hear this need not to be ignorant to the truth they find for them selfs and not on what someone else says and just take it for what it its.. People need to think for themselfs and if the truth is still unknown then seek the truth and ask the man upstairs...if its a negative world you want to live in.. what do you expect.. Yes theres good and bad things about anything but you might want to look at the brighter side of life as its outcome is always better then something negative.. Let your own decisions with out the ignorant facts cloud your judgment

  12. skilbovia

    skilbovia Member

    Oct 25, 2010
    2010 Prius
    A couple of comments.

    First I think that anyone that gets published has a personal agenda. If you work for Fox News and try to favor a liberal viewpoint, you're on the street looking for another job and the same is probably true for favoring conservative viewpoints on MSNBC. If you're Phil Lebeau working for CNBC you have to say nice things about Chevy and Ford so you can be granted interviews by their executives. If you work for Readers Digest, better not say anything bad about drug companies since they are responsible for the overwhelming amount of advertisng that keeps the magazine afloat. If you're an announcer on the Golf Channel, you better throw a bunch of softball questions to Tiger Woods if you ever want him to talk to you again since he's the guy people tune into your network to see. Published journalists need to make a living and they can't bite the hand that feeds them.

    There are lots of complaints in this group for a couple of reasons. One because human nature dictates that people are more likely post how difficult it is to replace a lightbulb than how easy it is if that were the case. The other is because Toyota employees lurk here and it doesn't do them any good to hear that everything's ducky when sometimes it isn't.

    Finally, I have to put down $20-35K when I buy a Prius or something like it. I would rather have a list of the 10 things mentioned above so I can research and form my own opinions about each of them rather than to find out after I buy it that something on the list is a showstopper and I wished I'd have known about it before I signed on the bottom line.

    In all cases whenever you read or see an opinion by anybody you have to consider the source and figure out what's in it for them.

    But...this is only my opinion.
  13. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Those ten things I mentioned, I've seen 8 out of those 10 in several places. And also have heard a few friends (who don't own a hybrid) speak of a few of them, only because they don't do the research that you and I may do, they take in any sources as facts because they know so little about the subject that they end up trusting the people telling them.

    I've learned my lesson to take what I hear about the Prius with a grain of salt until I do an extensive amount of research on it, but I feel pretty bad for those that don't. You can say, well it's their fault for not taking the time, but people seem to trust others on subjects they themselves know very little about.

    If some of these reviews I've seen were from regular people with too much free time and a portable camera then it wouldn't bother me so much, cause then it would be nothing more than a personal opinion. I just hate to see certain videos and some news companies act like douche bags over a technology they had no business talking about.

    Like I said, this was just a way for me to let off some steam. After the many days I've spent in front of this computer, doing everything I can to not get ripped off and to learn as much as humanly possible, I kept seeing all these false claims, and to know that a user review (who posted a video in his spare time) was more useful than a highly paid icon is a little frustrating to me.
  14. macmaster05

    macmaster05 Senor Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I actually like the styling. Am I weird?

    Look, it's not just the Prius getting hate these days. Any car that boasts a battery is immediately written off among "car enthusiasts" and their circle of family/friends. Just read some comments regarding Prius or Leaf or anything green on jalopnik or car blogs. It's the most disgusting and idiotic stuff I've ever read.

    Here's what I see: New car design has hit a point where if it's not the same-old design, it's labeled “ugly.” There’s nothing new-looking out there that people won’t call ugly. It's a HUGE shame. Time to move on people.
  15. macmaster05

    macmaster05 Senor Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    2010 Prius
    BTW, Spiritgod, you should watch Robert Llewellyn's review. He's the real deal. :) Clarkson is a tool.
    2 people like this.
  16. KK6PD

    KK6PD _ . _ . / _ _ . _

    Mar 24, 2008
    Los Angeles Foothills
    Other Hybrid
    MacMaster05, nice Youtube find! I seem to have run out of folk in my area asking me questions when I occasionally pull into the local Shell Station! Oh well, life goes on!
  17. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Thanks for the video, very entertaining. I only had one issue, he said that if you need repairs done on the Prius you can take it to a dealership...sorry to be the one to say this but from everything I've read, taking it to a dealership is only for those that are still under warranty or the last option, due to parts and labor cost being through the roof. Maybe the U.K. is different, I don't know.
  18. wmcbrine

    wmcbrine Junior Member

    May 22, 2010
    Laurel, MD
    2005 Prius
    I don't think you're weird (but maybe we both are). I just don't comprehend the "ugly" tag at all.

    What bugged me was when the dealer who sold me the car talked down the Prius -- of course this was after he had the check in hand. But it was just standard ignorant gearhead nonsense.
  19. Rae Vynn

    Rae Vynn Artist In Residence

    May 21, 2007
    Tumwater, WA USA
    2007 Prius
    Yes, but how does that relate to the styling? :huh:
