hi my neighbor just leased a 2010 prius 10 days ago. he just ran into an accident on highway. he said he applied the brakes hard but it wouldn't stop. this is his daily commute for last 10 years + he has no accident history. how do we go about this? should we let the dealer do the investigation on this or let some other shop do this? he is furious and in shocked state that these brake issues still exist. please advice thanks
Report it to the dealer, they should escalate it to: Toyota Safety - Rapid-Response SMART Team NHTSA web site information to report the incident. https://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/ivoq/ Thread about brakes: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii.../78515-recall-brakes-did-not-fix-problem.html
More info: How old is this neighbor? Did he actually go over a pothole or any other road imperfection?
Please explain clearly and precisely exactly what happens Differently in Prius when braking over uneven surfaces, that is different in the prius than other cars. I too have felt a momentary loss of braking that feels very different than other ABS equipped cars. Something to do with the regenerative braking I believe. But can someone explain exactly what is happening, why it does this, and why it feels as if braking is lost for a very tiny moment (it's Different feeling than other ABS equipped cars)????
Hi All, If he did run over a road imperfection, and his traditional cal reflexes kicked in, and he subconciously lifted brake pedal slightly (as any non-ABS good Driver would do) to avoid locking up the brakes, this would be the apparent result. In the Prius, one must push the brakes harder when runing over road inperections, not just maintain the same pressure (as is taught for ABS brake usage). This has been commented on ad-infinitum in other threads on Prius Chat....
Ask your neighbor to sign up here himself and tell this first-hand, with details. He will find much more help here than you will for him as an intermediary.
I usually use caps to begin sentences - and try to use punctuation.... I'm wondering why he "ran into an accident" - did he charge into an existing accident, or was he running - watching his car as it got in an accident, then hit it.... Usually, when a car runs into an *accident*, it means the driver did not see that accident - and should have been more aware of their surroundings (most always the drivers fault). Lastly, please state which "brake issues" make him most *furious*... Just fishing for answers:fish2: With one post (history) - you have worried me....
Yet another post about a neighbor or friend. Why don't these neighbors and friends join Priuschat so we can all confer directly.
Assuming this story is true, my first guess is the "neighbor" was still was not used to the brakes. He came up on the accident not anticipating it and didn't brake early enough and/or hard enough. Just like any other car, they are different to modulate, but you get used to it. I've had a couple close calls where the car in front of me stopped quick and I had to slam on my brakes. I stopped quickly but I thought I was going to be rear-ended because the car behind was following too close. Every car is different; some grab early with a firm pedal and some have a mushy brake pedal.
In the unlikely event that you're a real Prius "three?" owner, and you're really joining the forum as such: Greetings and Welcome Aboard! :welcome: More than likely you don't have a Prius, neither does your 'neighbor', and your parents should regulate your computer access. In the very unlikely event that I'm wrong about this, tell your 'neighbor' to get a lawyer and sue the crap out of Toyota. This will either expose your 'neighbor' as an idiot, or it will expose an as-yet undetected design problem with the G3's brakes. (yeah, right! )
My worry is almost always about the person behind me stopping before their car decides to reach in for a really rough nice person kissing of my car lol. The brakes on the Prius are VERY good when you press firmly on the brake pedal, as I'm sure you've found out! I almost ate my steering wheel when a deer hopped a guard rail ran across the on-ramp and jumped the other side.
I agree. It would be just as easy for the neighbor to sign up for a new account himself. It is not as though the poster has a history here- this was his very first post.
OP is quite vague - what does it mean 'he ran into an accident'? He hit someone, came upon an accident scene. Usually seems it's someone's friend that has braking, control problems. One thing I learned in ownership of several street / sport motorcycles .... take your time getting used to a newly acquired vehicle, learn how to control and master it ... One reason why I'm still around after 80k miles on 2 wheels, plus being fortunate no one else had a bad day on me.
Notice how it is always a newbie to the forum who posts this stuff? Why ohh why do these problems never happen to regulars on PC? People you can trust.
What "brake issues"? I'm not aware of any on Prius. -Some other- Toyota vehicles had faulty accelerator pedals but not brakes. The only "brake issue" I'm aware of is a fault in the nut behind the wheel! -THAT'S NOT- Toyota's responsibility. Unless you feel they should require you to pass a "performance driving test" before they sell you a vehicle!