Right about the Insight. I bought an Insight on Dec 4, and bought my wife a Prius on Dec 29. Since then we've seen countless Prii, but only one Insight. From the perspective of owning both cars, I like the Insight, but its no Prius.
Hello; Well here in Florida the New Generation Prius are doing good.They are all over the central Florida area and seem to be quite popular here.It seems to me there are more of the newer Generation than the older.Two years agoI rented a Prius in Portland,Oregon and drove to Gold Beach,Oregon.It handled great in the mountains and was a fun ride plus 51 MPG. I just bought a Prius IV last week.Life is good. Happy Motoring,
I only saw 2 Gen III so far, but I see more than 3-4 Gen II a day. Of course from looking at the drivers, its always the same priuses I see
parking lot report (kinda lax on this one. was in a few parking lots that were simply too big or maybe i was too lazy!!) Safeway, Yelm Hwy in Lacey; 23 dars, 3 Priuses realize soon the average Prius count will drop by one when i get my LEAF!!!
Where I park at work there is one other III and two IIs out of about 50 cars. On my commute (which is only 2-miles each way) I pass two parked IIIs and one II. I drive home lunchtime, making my regular miles driven just 8-miles a day and I regularly see around three other Prius driving, two IIs and one III. When we visited the outlaws over Christmas I only saw one other Prius, a III, in three days.
Here on Oahu there are many Prii. During the last year before I got mine I would occasionally notice Gen. III's the Gen. II's are noticeable but they blend in a little better. Now that I have mine and am kind of looking they are everywhere I would say I see at least six during my commute. The Gen. II to Gen. III ratio is about 2 to 1. Sometimes I will spot a Gen. I but they are the rarest to seem to blend in the best. I have been giving the Prius wave to fellow drivers. I got my first taste of Prius courtesy last week when a family in a Gen. II let me merge in front of them. Aloha, Ed
I drove to the Detroit area last weekend, and unsurprisingly didn't see many foreign cars in general, and only a couple Prius (big bonus was being able to park next to one at the wedding reception, I assume they were from out of town too). Kinda nice getting back to Chicago and seeing a Prius every 100-200 cars.
I only wave to Gen I drivers, since Gen II and III are no longer a niche car. If I could distinguish the 2004-05 cars from farther away on the road, I'd wave to them too since they are a part of the early adopters and probably bigger proponents of the hybrid system than later buyers, in general. (They had to go thru the waiting list to buy one, to start with. Plus there's a lot fewer Prius's sold each year before 2006 than after).
A colleague at work bought a new II, so there is one in the parking lot. I drive my Insight to work; my wife gets the Prius.
Well, my family is the only one on the my street with a Prius. Generally speaking, I see them everywhere.
I've already put in my two cents into this thread. But what the heck here's another penny. It struck me that the title of the thread sounds like something an Optomotrist or ER Doc. might ask me.
Parking lot survey; Papa Murphy's /Safeway @Hawks Prairie only counting the section in the strip mall. 22 cars, 4 Pri's