I just bought a 2010 priusIII and have been driving in the normal mode ( none of the tree buttons are activated when driving) and I am only getting 21mpg according to the computer display. The vehicle only has maybe 45 miles total on the motor because brand new and everything. It has been going up, but just wanted to make sure this is normal. The car gets driven about 32 miles a day.
That is low but don't freak out yet. Fill out the questionnaire and we will look it over. Welcome aboard!
Sounds like the trip computer is calculating the mpg's that have included time with the engine running but with the car not moving. This could have been when the car was being prepared by the dealers. On a run of 32 miles (16 each way?) you should be getting good mpg's. You might be best resetting the trip computer and then seeing what mpg's you get. Whilst at it, you might want to check your tire pressures. Often they get set at 30 psi when really they should be about 36f/35r or higher. The correct pressure for your car and wheels is on a sticker on the inside of the drivers door. Correct pressures makes a BIG difference to your fuel economy. Give it a go and see how you get on. Let us all know your results too.
:welcome:Congrats on your purchase and welcome to PriusChat! Reset the trip computer. My Prius average was indicating 11 mpg when it was delivered to me. Now it's running right at 55.5 mpg. As a new Prius owner, you'll love discovering all it has to offer. Read some of the threads on fuel economy and follow the advice given freely by experienced owner and you'll do just fine.:rockon:
I wouldn't freak out. Like others have said reset your trip computer, plus lots of us here recommend setting your tire pressure to 42front/40 rear.
That mpg figure is most likely accounting for all the idling and short drives the car did while being demonstrated by the sales staff. +1 on resetting. Go top off the tank and reset the computer to get a more accurate reflection of YOUR driving.
Thanks everyone. I will check the tire pressure and reset the trip and get back with you. I am pretty sure it is from all the idleing it has done at the dealer. It only had 25miles at the time of purchase.
My tires were horribly underinflated when I got my car home. My front right tire was only at 26 pounds, the others were around 30. I ride 38/36 and have been thrilled with my mileage.
For at least the first tank, reset one of the trip meters not just once, but every morning or even every trip segment. You will see a number that is terribly low at first, then it will climb dramatically as the engine warms and you put some distance on it. Doing this daily on a regular route will provide feedback that will help improve your efficient driving technique. It will also highlight why short trips produce low mpg in all fossil-fueled car, not just the Prius.
I agree with all that has been said, but would like to add that you have 2 tripometers, A & B. Many here will reset A (or B ) at each fill up and use the other one for tracking mileage on individual trips, like to work and back every day. Welcome to PC!!!
Greetings and :welcome: I just typed this on another thread: There's a bit of a learning curve for this car, but it's not daunting, and depending on your mileage desires versus your driving style , you can easily get the 50 or so MPG that your car is rated to provide---even in the frozen north, during the winter months, and using E10 gas. Some quick tips: * Ignore the goofy digital display for short trips. * Make sure your car's tires are 'properly' inflated. Depending on how anal you are about mileages and tires...'proper' for you may be 40/42. * Limit sudden braking and acceleration. Keep the HSI display mostly in the ECO range while driving. * Don't warm your car up in the driveway (or garage) and keep your heater settings closer to 65 than 85. If you do these things and tabulate your mileages by the tank, instead of how you're doing on the short trips to Starbucks---I think you'll find that you're really closer to 45-50 MPG than what the dizzy-whizz display is saying that you're getting. I'm getting 58, with 'properly' inflated tires, driving like a normal person, and without drafting, grill blocking, or (much) pulse and gliding. (current tank @ 300 miles is 58.2--42MPH average) Like I said earlier...it depends mostly on mileages you want versus driving style you're willing to submit yourself to. Good Luck! Read some in the forum and enjoy the new car!
Boy, We're hovering around zero F for the past three weeks. I can get close to 70mpg (calculated) in the summer but 48-49mpg is about the best I can get now, even with the lower grill blocked and the heater at 65 (I also turn it (the heater) off at stop lights). Everything you said is accurate and I guess I can live without hurricanes.
Yeah, I can live without them too. What can I say? Cost of living is low down here, and the people are really great. You have problems everywhere you go---and I've lived in about a dozen states. I've visited all of them. Hang in there...Spring is right around the corner! When you're enjoying the summer months, I'll be sweltering in three digit heat and humidity...
Speaking of heat and humidity - how does the Prius behave w/ the AC on? Is the AC worth a hoot in this car? Does it sap the power hard like some other 4 bangers?
Boy are you if for a surprise! The AC does not run off the engine (no belts dude). The pump is electric and thus runs off of the battery. Of course there will be a hit in FE but you won't notice any power hit. Plus the AC can run when the ICE is not. Cool!
Hi T...R...., You are doing quite well. On my drive home from LaCrosse I did 43 mpg for the 384 miles in 15 degree weather. 0F is a whole nother regime of cold compared to 15 F...
Actually, I find that the heater sucks up more energy than the A/C, again somewhat counterintuitive. But the heater is just another radiator whereas the A/C is a separate unit run by the battery and not a belt. So, again, aside from those pesky hurricanes I would suspect the south is the place to be for really good mpg. My "A" trip is set for vehicle life mpg and it is still at a calculated 55.4mpg, though I'm struggling to hit 50mpg on this tank. Hang in there.
True, true. However, I constantly question my own sanity when I go outside and my mustache turns into a solid block of Ice (not ICE for those not experienced). Spring is only about 4 months away, lasts a day then 2 1/2 months of summer, followed by a day of autumn and back to 82 months of winter. Oh if they only knew. Greetings, Tony