Jeez, I forgot just how young new drivers can be... 15 for the learners permit in Florida, 16 for the license. Typical... But only 14 for the license in S. Dakota, and 18 in New Jersey. USA Driving Ages
macmaster is right. Keep the truck and save up until you can buy a Prius for cash. Borrowing money to buy a new car is a mug's game.
Well I was going to do a 5K downpayment along with hoping for about 5K for my truck trade in.. but still, even if the note was only $250 or so.. it's still a note...
I know exactly what you mean. I've been saddled with $405 for the last 10 months...I hate enriching the banks at my expense (it also makes saving for a future vehicle difficult).
I tend to agree with the note thing, but if you could get it at 0% I would say that's a heckuva deal that would be hard to pass up. My advice is not to finance unless you can get the 0%.
My pmt was around $390 (I had a CD maturing that I paid it off with about 6 months after I got the car). I got them to beat the lowest rate I could find, too. Payment amount also can vary greatly depending on the length of the note. $405 would be a very good payment if you only had a 36-48 month note.
Too late for me...had I waited about 2 more weeks, I would've likely qualified also (this was back in March 2010 when they were not offering 0% for the Prius models yet) EDIT: Yea, ~60-month, 4%.
You know what happens when the price of gas goes up right? The price of the Prius goes up and the price of trucks/SUVs goes down. If you are planning to keep your old ride, it will not be applicable. Just something to think about.
I appreciate the point usb, and I agree.. but I still think waiting and saving up for a bigger down payment along with the 2012 PHV coming out in the near future, is the best move for me at this time. If I get burned when the time comes, I'll deal with it...
It's sad that you get such negative attitudes to your consideration of buying a Prius. In fact, as you have seen too, the Prius isn't wimpy. I think it's just the area you live in, because here, everyone is excited and enthused about the idea of a hybrid car.
Does anybody else watch gLee? Everytime I see this thread or Coach81, I think of Coach Bieste. I don't know why.
Wait for the plug in, and wait a couple of years for the design to mature and some of the new model issues (the engine knock on start up, the interior rattles) to be addressed. Gas will in all likelihood creep up slowly in cost, your truck has life left in it, I'd wait. Definitely. And buying a new anything really doesn't help the environment. Buy a lower mileage used Prius still under warranty if that's a big concern.
Good you finally got to drive this. It's almost inconceivable that buying this will SAVE money. It will probably cost you money. I'm just going to say it: I don't see you ever buying a PHV Prius in June, 2012. I just find it unlikely. Not only are they of questionable value with their price premium but I bet you'll have bought one by then or something or your wife will murder you for not only getting a Prius but spending a huge money premium on a plug-in one. I also think that given the number of threads you've had on this recently there is no way in the world you'll be able to hold out for another EIGHTEEN MONTHS of visiting these forums and not getting one and/or decided for good to avoid it. The stress of it will destroy you from within. 2204 F150, awesome! If the time machine on it still works can I hit you up for a quick trip back 20 years, I have some investments to tweak. Yes, it will be; batteries are the problem and they are going to still cost vast amounts in 18 months. ESPECIALLY with new vehicles coming along and if gas prices do go up I bet that a great deal of the cost-savings associated with battery tech get chewed up by demand. And if gas goes down a premium plug-in vehicle makes even less sense. It's almost impossible that it will be a net savings to pay the premium for plug-in initially anyway. On a new vehicle 405/month at 48 months is frankly impossible without a negative interest rate. General rule of thumb is $100 per $5000 borrowed over 60 months.
Going to have to look up a picture of him and let you know how close the resemblance Pretty much what I have decided... Great point Skoorb.. I see what you are saying.. Believe me.. in my youth, I would have pulled the trigger and just went ahead and bought the one I test drove or something similar.. but as I have gotten older (and wiser I would like to think), I've gotten better at not falling for "what I want", instead of "what I need". This purchase would most absolutely be a "want" and not a need.. I sit in my truck, and while I'm driving it.. I think to myself.. "what was I thinking, this thing is running great, and is PAID OFF".. then I see a Prius on the road and miss it..